Mimosa pellita var. pellita

  • Title

    Mimosa pellita var. pellita

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa pellita Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. var. pellita

  • Description

    266a. Mimosa pellita Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow var. pellita. M. pellita Willdenow, 1805, l.c., sens. str.—"Habitat Cumanae [edo. Sucre, Venezuela] ad rivos. " — Holotypus, B-WILLD [2 sheets, 19081 (fl) & 19082 (fr)] seen in microform!; isotypus, labelled "90. Cumana," P-HBK!—M. pellita Kunth, Mimoses 27, t. 9. 1819-1820, descr. ampliat.—Equated by Bentham, 1875: 438, with M. asperata.— Caaeo sp. # 2 (silva d'agoa) Marcgrave, Hist, nat. Bras. 2: 74 + fig. on p. 75 (pod). 1648.

    M. longisiliqua Lamarck, Encycl. 1:21. 1783, ex parte (fruct.), based on M. spinosa secunda etc. Breyne, Exot. pl. cent. 1: t. 17. 1678, exclus. lectotypo qui = M. diplotricha C. Wright—Cf. Bentham, 1875: 436.

    M. polyacantha Willdenow, Sp. pl. 4: 1034. 1805, based on Ergett et Krone Bruce, Select spec. nat. hist. 35 + fig. 1790, this account being the typus!—Observed and drawn by James Bruce in Abyssinia. —M. habbas Delile, Descr. Egypte, Hist. nat. 111. 1813, nom. superfl. (included typus of M. polyacantha).—Equated with M. asperata by Bentham, 1875: 438.

    M. canescens Willdenow, Sp. pl. 4: 1038. 1806.— "Habitat in Guinea ... Isert. " — Holotypus, B-WILLD 19083, seen in microform!—Equated with M. asperata by Bentham, 1875: 438.

    M. ciliata Willdenow, Enum. pl. 1048. .—"Habitat in Brasília [presumably Para, F. W. Sieber, com- mun.] Comes de Hoffmannsegg." —Holotypus, B-WILLD 19074, seen in microform!—Equated with M. asperata by Bentham, 1875: 438.

    M. sicaria Hoffmannsegg, Verz. Pfl.-Kult. 221. 1824, e descr.—"Hab. in Brasília]."—Perhaps the same as the preceding.—Equated tentatively by DeCandolle, Mem. Leg. 7: 428. 1826, and unequivocally by Bentham, 1875: 438 with M. asperata.—Poeppig 2781 from Ega, Amazonas, Brazil is so named (W).

    M. procumbens Schumacher, Beskr. Guin. pl. 324. 1827 [=Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvidensk. Math. Afh. 4: 99. 1829].—"... a Naerhaden af Christiansborg [=Accra, Ghana, Thonning]."—No typus seen; equated with M. asperata by Bentham, 1875: 438.

    [M. bellatrix Hoffmannsegg ex Steudel, Nomencl. bot. ed. 2, 147. 1841, nom. nud.]

    M. cinerea (?) var. pubescens Bentham in Martius, Fl. bras. 15(2): 383. 1876.—".. . inter Conceição et Natividade provinciae Goyaz: Burchell, n. 8247."— Holotypus, K (hb. Hook.)! = NY Neg. 1901; isotypus, GH!—M. asperata fma pubescens (Bentham) Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 17. 1910. M. vellosiella var. pubescens (Bentham) Burkart, Darwiniana 8: 96. 1948, quoad nom.

    M. asperata fma inermis Lindman, Bih. Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 24, Afd. 3(7): 48, in nota. 1898.—"e ripa fluvii Paraguay. .. A.2073."—Holotypus, labelled "in ripa fluvii Riacho Mbopi," 11.IX.1893 (fl, fr), S!

    M. asperata var. genuina Hassler fma aspera Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 15. 1910.—"Paraguay: In palude pr. Caraguatay ... Hassler 3428."— Holotypus, G!; isotypus, K!

    M. asperata var. genuina Hassler fma mollis Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 15. 1910.—"[Paraguay.] Gran Chaco:... ad ripam occidentalem fluminis Paraguay (Chaco septentr.) . .. Hassler no. 2861, leg. Rojas."—Holotypus G!; isotypi, A! K! NY! W!

    M. asperata var. intermedia Hassler + fma armata Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9:16. 1910.—‘‘Paraguay: ad flumen Iuqueri . .. Hassler no. 623; ... pr. San Bernardino .. . Hassler no. 546 et no. 1982."—Lectotypus, Hassler 1982, G!; syntypi, Hassler 546, 623, G! K!

    M. asperata var. intermedia Hassler fma inermis Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 16. 1910. — "Paraguay: .. . pr. Bella Vista in regione fluminis Apa. .. Hassler no. 8149."—Holotypus, G!; isotypi, A! K! W!

    M. asperata var. cinerea (Vellozo) ? fma longepedunculata Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 18. 1910.—"[Paraguay.] Gran Chaco: ... ad ripam occidentalem fluminis Paraguay (Chaco septentr.). .. Hassler no. 2369."—Holotypus, G!; isotypi, K! W!

    M. asperata var. cinerea fma glabrescens Hassler, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni 9: 18. 1910.—"[Paraguay.] Gran Chaco: Ad ripam occidentalem fluminis Paraguay (Chaco septentr.) ... Hassler no. 2809."— Holotypus, G!

    (?) M. asperata var. vermoesenii DeWildeman, Pl. be- quaert. 3: 71. 1925.—"[Belgian Congo.] Kwamouth, 9 juin 1919 (F. Vermoesen, n. 2398)."—No typus seen; found with the typical variety and said to differ in short, more appressed setae of pod, this suggesting M. pellita var. dehiscens.

    M. asperata var. scandens Ducke, Bol. Técn. Inst. Agron. N. 2: 8. 1944.—"... prope Tonantins (in civitate Amazonas) frequens, 28.I.1944, Ducke 1609; prope Obidos (in civitate Pará), Ducke Herb. Amaz. Mus. Pará 15703 et 15882."—Isosyntypi, Ducke 1609, NY! R! US!—The syntypus Ducke 15882 at RB, hastily examined, may represent M. orinocoensis.

    M. asperata sensu Bentham, 1875:437, max. pro parte,  exclus. syn. nonnull.; auct. plur. ultra annum 1900, inclus. Robinson., 1898: 331; non Linnaeus.

    M. pigra sensu auct. omn. recentior., max pro parte; non Linnaeus; Lewis, 1987, pl. 8E, fig. 8U; Burkart, 1987: 493, fig. 219.

    Variable in stature, pubescence and armature, the cauline setae forwardly appressed, ascending, spreading or, when long and fine, loosely retrorse, the cauline aculei recurved at least at tip, those of lf-stks varying from almost straight to sharply recurved (especially in plants of sarmentose habit) but sometimes lacking in some, rarely in all lvs, or present on a few proximal interpinnal segments and lacking distally; stipules usually veinless externally, the tips sometimes glabrescent and perceptibly, rarely strongly 1-5-nerved but the blades always densely strigose at least to middle, commonly overall; pods as described in key to varieties.

    On stream banks and seasonally flooded shores, along ditches and in seasonally wet savanna or scrub-savanna habitats, sometimes a pest of irrigated land, assuming a bushy form when solitary or in pure stands but (especially in tropical S. America) when crowded in gallery forest becoming sarmentose or scandent, from near sea level to ±1000 m and in Colombia attaining 1600 m, common and locally abundant nearly throughout the lowland American tropics and warm-temperate e. S. America: in Mexico and Central America on both the Pacific and Atlantic slopes from s. Sinaloa and s. Veracruz s.-e. to Panama; common on Cuba (Bässler, 1985, Karte 1, sub M. pigra)’, introduced of old on Jamaica and in recent times on Puerto Rico, absent from Hispaniola; Lesser Antilles s.-ward from Guadeloupe; in South America on Pacific lowlands from n.-w. Colombia s. to ±8°S in n.-w. Peru, e. through interior Colombia and Venezuela to the Guianas, scattered along principal rivers of Amazonian Brazil, thence e. and s., partly sympatric with var. dehiscens, to coastal Rio de Janeiro, extending s. of the tropic line to coastal Sta. Catarina, w. Paraná and Paraguay, and s.- ward through n.-e. Argentina (Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones, Entre Ríos), attaining 35°S in the delta of río Paraná. In the Old World tropics native over much of lowland tropical Africa (Brenan, 1959: 43, fig. 13), on Madagascar, and introduced in Java .—Amourette, zamourette (French Antilles); bambuco, espina de vaca, tru- pilla, zarza (Colombia); pingahuisacha, uña-de-gato (Peru); araña-de-gato negro (Venezuela); jí- guri, júqueri (Brazil); carpinchera (Argentina). Map 35.