Mimosa claussenii var. corneiseta

  • Title

    Mimosa claussenii var. corneiseta

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa claussenii var. corneiseta Barneby

  • Description

    242c. Mimosa claussenii Bentham var. corneiseta Barneby, var. nov., a var. prorsiseta, cum qua pube caulium petiolique communis antrorsus arcuata congruit, imprimis pinnis magis numerosis 15-36 (nec 9-22)-jugis usque necnon statura arborescenti pachycauli diversa.—Brazil. Goiás: 8 km w. of Veadeiros, 22.X.1965 (fr), Irwin (with Souza & Reis dos Santos) 9476. — Holotypus, UB; isotypi, G, K, LE, MBM, NY, P, R, S, US.

    Pachycaul treelets 3.5-4 m with trunk to 8-10 cm diam., the lf-stks hispid with forwardly ascending flagelliform setae to 3-6 mm long and 0.3-0.4(-0.5) mm diam. at bulbous base; leaf-formula xv-xxx(-xxxvi)/30-50, the rachis of longer pinnae 5-10 cm, the longer lfts (3.5-)6-8.5(-9) mm; peduncles 3-9 cm; capitula without filaments 11-13, rarely 20 mm diam.; bisexual corollas 6-8.5 mm; pods in profile 25-40 x 12-17 mm, the valves densely setose with contiguous, basally erect then forwardly curved setae of different calibers, the stouter hornlike ones to 4.5-6 mm long, at base 0.6-0.8 mm diam.

    In cerrado near outcrops, 1000-1250 m, known only from Chapada dos Veadeiros between Alto Paraíso and Cavalcante, near 14°S in e.-centr. Goiás.-Fl. III-IV(-?). Map 34.