Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata

  • Title

    Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata (Willd.) Barneby

  • Description

    76a.  Calliandra tergemina (Linnaeus) Bentham var. emarginata (Willdenow) Barneby, comb. nov. Inga emarginata Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 4(2): 1009. 1806. — "Habitat in America meridionali"; but the true origin stated by Kunth, Mimoses 54, pl. 17. 1820: "in litore occidentali Regni Mexicani, prope Acapulco [Guerrero]." — Holotypus, Humboldt 3859 in B-WILLD, seen in Microform! = F Neg. 1238!.Mimosa emarginata Poiret, Encycl. suppl. 1: 39. 1810. Calliandra emarginata Bentham, London J. Bot. 3: 95. 1844. Feuilleea emarginata O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. PI. 1: 187. 1891. Anneslia emarginata Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 54. 1928, exclus. syn. Inga coriacea.

    Inga canescens Chamisso & Schlechtendal, Linnaea 5: 592. 1830. — "[Schiede & Deppe] 678. [MEXICO. Veracruz:] Inter Marantial et Puente del Rey [= Puente Nacional, n.-w. of Cd Veracruz]." — Holotypus, n.v. — Calliandra canescens Bentham, London J. Bot. 3: 96. 1844. Feuilleea canescens O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 187. 1891. Anneslia canescens Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 55. 1928.

    Calliandra tetraphylla G. Don, Gen. Hist. 2: 392. 1832. — "Native of Mexico. Mimosa tetraphylla, Sesse & Moç. in herb. Lamb." — Holotypus, OXF! = photo, NY!. — Calliandra tetraphylla Bentham, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 544. 1875. — Feuilleea tetraphylla O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 189. 1891.

    Inga semicordata Bertoloni, Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bononiensis [Fl. Guatim.] 441. 1840. — "Habitat in Guatimala " — Holotypus, J. Velasquez, n.v. — Referred, with reservation, to C. seemanni by Bentham, 1875: 540, and to C. emarginata by Standley & Steyermark, 1946: 22.

    Calliandra seemanni Bentham in Seemann, Narr. Voy. Herald 1: 116, pl. XXII. 1853. — "[PANAMA.] On banks of several rivers in Veraguas." — Holotypus (quoted by Hemsley, Biol. centr.-amer. 1: 358): Seemann 1193, from Tole, Veraguas [8°15'N, 81°40'W], K (hb. Hook.)! = NY Neg. 1994; isotypus, BM!. — Feuilleea seemanni O. Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 189. 1891. Anneslia seemanni Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 54. 1928.

    C. rupestris T. S. Brandegee, Zoe 5: 199. 1905. — "[MEXICO. Sinaloa:] ... in a canyon near Cofradia [Sep-Oct, 1904, T. S. Brandegee]." — Holotypus, UC!. — Anneslia rupestris Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 54. 1928.

    C. purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6: 180. 1915. — "[MEXICO.] . on Cerro de Picacho, Oaxaca, [C. A. Purpus] No. 7199." — Holotypus, UC 174965!.Anneslia purpusii Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 55. 1928.

    C. langlassei Harms, Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 87. 1921. — "Mexico: Chichihualco [±25 km n.-w. of Chilpancingo, Guerrero; cf. McVaugh, Candollea 13: 195. 1951], 1200 m (Langlasse, no. 1042. - V. 1899)." — Holotypus, †B; isotypus, K! = photo s.n. by J. N. Rose in 1927, NY!. — Anneslia langlassei Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 53. 1928.

    C. mexicana T. S. Brandegee, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 10: 183. 1922. — "[MEXICO.] ... near Remulatero [= Remudadero], Vera Cruz. [C. A. Purpus] No. 8726." — Holotypus, UC 213296!. —Anneslia mexicana Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 55. 1928. — Provisionally interpreted as "no more than a pubescent variety" of C. emarginata by Standley & Steyermark, 1946: 24.

    Anneslia yucatanensis Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 53. 1928. — "Yucatan, 1917-1921, C. F. Gaumer 24240." — Holotypus, NY!; isotypi, K!, NY!. — Calliandra yucatanensis Standley, Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 4(8): 309. 1929. — Equated by Standley & Steyermark, 1946: 22, with C. emarginata.

    A. sinaloana Britton & Rose, N. Amer, Fl. 23: 54. 1928. — "[MEXICO.] Mazatlan, Sinaloa, January 17-19, 1897, [J. N.] Rose 1380." — Holotypus, NY!. — Calliandra sinaloana Standley, Trop. Woods 34: 40. 1933.

    A. cruziana Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 54. 1928. — "[MEXICO.] Veracruz. Type from Cameron [= Camaron], Nov. 15, 1926, [C. A.] Purpus 11000." — Holotypus, NY! = NY Neg. 9314; isotypi, K (2 sheets)!. — Calliandra cruziana Standley, Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 4(8): 212. 1929. — Equated by Standley & Steyermark, 1946: 22, with Calliandra emarginata.

    A. juchitana Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 55. 1928. — "[MEXICO.]...Juchitan, Oaxaca, January 31. 1896, Seler 1988." — Holotypus, E. & C. Seler 1988, NY! = NY Neg. 9317; isotypus, K!. — Equated with C. emarginata by Standley & Steyermark 1946: 22.

    A. leucotricha Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 55. 1928. — "[MEXICO.] Acasonica [= Acosonica, ±19°20'N, 96°35'W], Veracruz, 1919, [C. A.] Purpus 8391." — Holotypus, NY! = NY Neg. 9318. — Non Calliandra leucathrix Standley, 1938.

    A. deamii Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 56. 1928. — "Guatemala, along path to Motagua River from Gualan [depto. Zacapa], June 14, 1909, [C. C.] Deam 6258." — Holotypus, NY!. — Calliandra deamii Standley, Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 4(8): 309.1929. — Equated with Calliandra mexicana T. S. Brandegee by Standley & Steyermark, 1946: 24.

    Calliandra tolimensis L. Uribe, Caldasia 1(4): 9. 1942. — "Tipo en el Herb, de la Univ. Javeriana, No. 644; encontrada en marzo de 1941 entre Alpujarra (Tolima) y el río Cabrera, a 1200-1300 m. lat. . . . [3°20'N, 75°W]" — Holotypus, COL 116709\.C. uribei Killip & Dugand, Caldasia 3(11): 35. 1944, a legitimate substitute, non C. tolimensis Taubert, 1895.

    Inga emarginata sensu Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth, 1824: 296; de Candolle, 1825: 438. Calliandra emarginata sensu Bentham, 1875: 539, ex parte, exclus. Inga coriacea; Standley, 1922: 384; McVaugh, 1987: 154.

    Calliandra langlassei sensu Standley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 23(5): 1: 658. 1926.

    C. seemani sensu Woodson & Schery, 1950: 258.

    Shrubs and trees flowering when (0.6-)1-6(-10) m tall, quite glabrous to finely pilosulous; petioles (4-)5-28 x 0.4-0.85 mm; lfts membranous to chartaceous, either glabrous or glabrous ciliolate, or pilosulous on one or both faces, the distal pair (1.3—)1.6—7.5(-8) x (1.4—)1.8—3.4(—3.8) cm; peduncles 16-40 x 0.4-0.7 mm; perianth either glabrous, or weakly strigulose, or pilosulous, the calyx 1.2-3.6(4) x 0.7-1.4(1.5) mm, the teeth 0.1-0.9(1) mm; corolla (4-)4.6-9(exceptionally 11, 12) mm; filaments commonly white pink-tipped, exceptionally white, randomly deep red-carmine throughout; pods 6-15 x 0.6-1.4 cm, usually glabrous, sometimes finely pilosulous; seeds in broad view 8.5-11 x 3.5-5.5 mm, almost always pleurogrammic.

    In brush-woodland, short-tree forest, glades in oak-woods, and riparian or on drier ridge habitats in submontane forest, flourishing in disturbed woodland and on roadsides, 1-1050 m and recorded in El Salvador at 1100, in Colombia at 1300, and in Chiapas at 1500 m, discontinuously widespread from n.-w. subtropical Mexico to Yucatan Peninsula, s.-e. through Central America to inter-Andean and n.-w. Amazonian Colombia and n.-w. Venezuela: in w. Mexico s.-ward from 27°N (Sa. de Alamos) and on the Gulf lowlands from the Tropic line; in Colombia on the Magdalena valley s. to Tolima, e. very locally to Serranía de la Macarena at ±74°W in Meta and to arenitic hills at 70°30'W in Vaupes; in Venezuela very local in Lara; formerly cultivated in Cuba, in Florida, and under glass n.-ward. — Map 36. — Fl. nearly throughout the year, most abundantly XI-V. — Clavellino, a generic term for Calliandra.

    Note: Sousa 5208 from Oaxaca, Mexico, is described on label (NY) as having red flowers with golden yellow stamens, "hermosa, facilmente ornamental," a color scheme unknown elsewhere in the genus.