Calliandra trinervia var. peruicola
Calliandra trinervia var. peruicola
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Calliandra trinervia var. peruicola Barneby
68c. Calliandra trinervia Bentham var. peruicola Barneby, var. nov., omnino fere cum var. arborea (mexicano-centramericana) congrua, sed ab ea florum periphericorum perianthio 4-, nec 5-mero, leguminis suturis setulosis (nec glaberrimis) valvulisque confertim transverse (nec aperte oblique) venulosis, necnon patria peruviana pacifica abstans. — PERU. Depto. Tumbes, prov. Jaramillo: Bosque Nacional de Tumbes, Quebrada Trapazola near Campo Verde, 21.XII. 1967 (fl, fr), D. R. Simpson (with J. Schunke V.) 435. — Holotypus, NY.
Arborescent to 4-5 m, with weakly geotropic branches, in aspect and inflorescence closely resembling var. arborea; distal pair of lfts elliptic-acuminate 5.5-7 x 2-3 cm. Calyx of peripheral fls ±2.4 x 1.1 cm, striate, glabrous; corolla ±6.6 mm, glabrous, thinly papillate; androecium 14-merous, the tube ±7 mm, the filaments uniformly red. Pods 7-9.5 x 1-1.3 cm, the dilated sutures setulose, the valves densely subhorizontally venulose.
In moist quebrada bottoms, 600-800 m, known only from the type-locality near 3°40'S, 80°20'W, in the Peruvian department of Tumbes. — Map 31. — Fl. XI-XII(-?).
The one known locality of var. peruicola is remote from other varieties of C. trinervia, but the plant has no substantial differential characters other than the papillate corolla (which occurs in some populations of Central American var. arborea), the pilosulous sutures of the pod, and the dense horizontal venulation of its valves. The dark red corolla and androecium recall Colombian var. carbonaria.