Mimosa diplotricha var. diplotricha

  • Title

    Mimosa diplotricha var. diplotricha

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa diplotricha C.Wright ex Sauvalle var. diplotricha

  • Description

    120a. Mimosa diplotricha C. Wright ex Sauvalle var. diplotricha. M. diplotricha C. Wright, 1868, l.c., sens. str.—"[Wright] 621 ... En sabanas enyerbadas de Santa Cruz de los Pinos [Cuba]."—Lectotypus (Bassler, 1985: 602), Wright 3541, GH!; isotypi, K! NY! US!- Equated by Bentham, 1875:436 with M. invisa Martius (non M. invisa Martius ex Colla).

    M. invisa Martius, Flora 20(2, Beibl. 8): 121. 1837, nom. illeg.—"In aridis, ad vias, locis ruderatis in prov. Sebastianopolitana [Guanabara, Brazil] et Minarum [Minas Gerais]."—Lectotypus (Barneby, Brittonia 39: 50. 1987), Luschnath in Martius, Herb, fl. bras. 172, collected "in valle Broco, XI. 1834," accompanied by Martius’s autograph description, BR! = NY Neg. 11560; isotypi, BM! G! K (hb. Hook.)! = NY Neg. 11560, M (2 sheets)! WI!—Non Martius ex Colla, 1834.

    Schrankia (?) brachycarpa Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 2: 130. 1840. —"On the Rio Negro ? Schomburgk, n. 903—Holotypus, K (hb. Hook.)! = NY Neg. 1893.— Equated with the preceding by Bentham, 1846: 436.—Non M. brachycarpa Bentham, 1842. M. invisa var. echinocarpa Chodat & Hassler, Bull. Herb. Boissier II, 4: 556 [=P1. hassler. 412]. 1904.— "[Paraguay] ... in dumeto Cordillera de Altos, [Hassler] 3735."—Holotypus, G!; isotypus, W!

    M. ixiamensis Rusby, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 8(28): 91. 1912.—"Ixiamas [La Paz, Bolivia], 1500 ft., Dec. 25, 1901 ([R. S. Williams] No. 269)."—Holotypus, NY! = NY Neg. 4989; isotypi, K! US!

    Morongia pilosa Standley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 18: 105. 1916.—". . . collected along the Camino del Boticario, near Chepo, Province of Panama, Panama, altitude 30-50 meters, October, 1911, by H. Pittier (no. 4544)."—Holotypus, US 679604!, isotypus, NY!—Schrankia pilosa (Standley) Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. II, 59: 11. 1919.—Equated with M. invisa by Britton & Rose, 1928: 163.

    Mimosa invisa fma inermis Adelbert in Kostermans, Reinwartia 2: 359. 1953 (+antecedent bibliography).—"Java, Bogor, cultivated in the experimental gardens of the Centrale Proefstations Vereiniging. .. at 260 m . .. November 14, 1950, A. J. H. van Haaren s.n. = H. B. 116118."—Holotypus, BO, not seen.—M. diplotricha var. inermis (Adelbert) Verdcourt, Kew Bull. 43: 360. 1988.

    M. longisiliqua Lamarck, Encycl. 1: 21. 1783, quoad flor., exclus. typ. fruct., based on Breyne, Exot. pl. cent. 1: t. 17. 1678.—Cf. Bentham, 1875: 436.

    M. invisa sensu Bentham, 1875: 436; 1876: 379, t. 97; Rose & Leonard, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17(10): 259. 1927; Burkart, 1979: 144, est. 20 (reproduced from Martius, Fl. bras., l.c.); Britton & Killip, 1936: 153; Brenan, 1959: 50; Liogier, 1985: 50; Bassler, 1985: 602; McVaugh, 1987: 212.

    M. invisa inermis sensu Troupin, Fl. pl. ligneuses Rwanda 430. 1982.

    Characters as given in key to varieties.

    In pastures, disturbed woodland, in fallow or presently cultivated fields, at forest margins, and becoming weedy on roadsides and in waste places about habitations, in eastern Brazil sometimes in undisturbed cerrado, ascending from coastal lowlands to 1050 m on the Tocantins-Paraguay divide, discontinuously dispersed from n.-e. Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones) and s.-e. Brazil (Sta. Catarina) n.-ward., e. of the Andes, to s.- w. tropical Mexico (Nayarit) and the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti); Pacific lowland Ecuador; introduced and pestilently weedy in tropical Africa, Pacifica, and tropical n. Australia.—Fl. in S. America I—II onward, fr. II-VI; fl. in N. America (VIII-)IX-IV.—Sierrilla (Mexico). Map 17.