Mimosa adenophylla var. mitis

  • Title

    Mimosa adenophylla var. mitis

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa adenophylla var. mitis Barneby

  • Description

    79c. Mimosa adenophylla Taubert var. mitis Barneby, Brittonia 37: 130. 1985.—"Brazil. Bahia: Sa. do Angelim, mun. Sento Sé, 10°37'S, 41°28'W, 2 Sep 1981 (fl, fr), J. D. C. Arouck Ferreira 79"—Holotypus K! = NY Neg. 11631; isotypus, NY!

    Characters as given in key to varieties.

    In carrasco or cerrado-caatinga transition, at elevations not recorded, known from lower S. Francisco valley in município Sento Sé, n.-centr. Bahia, and adj. s.-w. Pernambuco; and (at present) disjunctly from w.-centr. Ceará in lat. ±4°- 5°S.—Fl. IV-IX.— Jurema côr-de-rosa.