Mimosa rufescens var. rufescens

  • Title

    Mimosa rufescens var. rufescens

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Mimosa rufescens Benth. var. rufescens

  • Description

    6a. Mimosa rufescens Bentham var. rufescens. M. rufescens Bentham, 1875-1876, 11. cc.— "Habitat in Brasilia septentrionali ad Santa Anna prope Pará: Burchell n. 9344 . . . prope S. Gabriel: Spruce n. 2052; prope S. Carlos ad Rio Negro: Spruce n. 3096.. . Lectotypus, Spruce 3096, K (hb. Benth.)!; isotypi, C! = F Neg. 21881, E! F! = FNeg. 54860, G! NY! RB!; syntypi, Spruce 2052, Burchell 9344, both K!

    M. micracantha var. plurijuga Ducke, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 583. 1932.—"Brasilia: Habitat loco Yucaby super faucem fluminis Curicuriary affluentis Rio Negro ([RB] n. 23246) et prope São Gabriel ([RB] n. 23245)... .’’—Lectotypus, Ducke s.n. in RB 23245, 30.II.29 (fl), RB! syntypus, from "Yacuhy, alto Rio Negro," 21.II.29 (fl), RB! M. rufescens sensu Ducke, 1949: 56.

    Pinnae of larger lvs and lfts of their distal pinnae nearly always at least 4-jug., either one or the other not less than 4-jug.; terminal lfts ±1.5 4.5 cm.

    In open primary and disturbed forest, in forest clearings, and becoming colonial in capoeira and on roadsides, on terra firme, mostly between 100 and 500 m but in Bolivia and Sa. dos Carajás in Pará attaining 700 and in Cuzco, Peru 900 m, widespread through the Amazon Basin from inter-Andean valleys of s.-e. Colombia (Caquetá, Meta, Vaupés), Ecuador (Pastaza, Santiago-Zamora), Peru (Amazonas, San Martín, Cuzco) and Bolivia (Yungas) e. along the great river and its immediate affluents to n.-e. and s.-e. Para, thence n. through the basin of río Branco and the Guayana Highland in Venezuela and adj. Guyana to the lower Orinoco valley.—Fl. almost throughout the year, prolifically VIII-III.—Pashaquilla; lanza-caspi (Peru); unha de cigano (Brazil). Map 3.

    Capitula of var. rufescens normally have a floral axis about 1-1.5 mm long. In part of I. L. Amaral 1040 (NY) from the Santarem-Cuyaba highway (km 1222) the flowers are spicately arranged on a receptacle to 9 mm long.