Zygia codonocalyx
Zygia codonocalyx
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Zygia codonocalyx Barneby & J.W.Grimes
55. Zygia codonocalyx Barneby & Grimes, sp. nov., petiolis elongatis 4-5 cm longis, foliorum pinna utraque 9-foliolata, floribus dissitissime spicatis, et praesertim calyce maximo 11.5-12 x 7.5-10 mm long saltern corollae dimidiae aquilongo praestans. A Z. obolingoide, specie una quoad perianthium comparabili, spicis elongatis statim distinguitur. — COLOMBIA. Antioquia, mun. Tarazá: Troncal del Caribe entre El 2 y El 7, garrocha El 7, bosques a la margen derecha del río Cauca (7°30'N, 75°20'W), elev. 120 m, 8 nov 1987 (fl.), R. Callejas (with F. J. Roldín, A, Arbeláez & D. L. Echeverry) 5452. — Holotypus, HUA 51714!; isotypi, K!, NY!.
Macrophyllous, cauliflorous treelet ±4 m, the hornotinous foliate (barren) branchlets, like all axes of lvs and inflorescence, densely pilosulous with rusty or sordid hairs <0.3 mm, the ample, thin-textured lfts dull dark green (when dry chocolate-brown) above, a little paler beneath, thinly pilosulous only along veins, the loosely spiciform, many-fld inlforescences arising from knots on the trunk, described as yellow when live. Stipules (few seen) lanceolate deciduous; axillary buds of linear-lanceolate, distally recurved scales ±7 mm. Lf-formula 1/4½, the leaflets 18 per lf; lf-stks including pulvinus 4-5 cm, terete, ±2.5-3 mm diam, charged at tip with a low-mounded nectary; similar but smaller nectaries between each lft-pair; rachis of each pinna ±2.5-3 dm, the longer interfoliolar segments 4.5-7.5 cm; pulvinules 4.5-7 x 1.1-1.5 mm; lfts elliptic from subsymmetrically cuneate base, ±15-25 x 3.5-6 cm, distally tapering into a subcaudate, sharply acute tip; costa and secondary veins shallowly engraved on upper face of blade, slenderly prominulous dorsally, the centric midrib straight, the incurved-ascending secondary nerves 4—5 from each side of costa, the first posterior (subbasal) one produced well beyond midblade, the connecting secondary and tertiary venules subhorizontal-scalariform. Axis of inflorescence simple, apparently spreading from trunk, including peduncle ±2-3 dm, the fls disposed in irregular whorls of 3-5 spaced ±5-7 mm apart at maturity, the fl-buds more crowded, subcontiguous; bracts deflexed, narrowly ovate-triangular 0.8-1 mm, deciduous; fls essentially sessile, the perianth densely brown-tomentulose externally, the fl-buds plumply ovoid-ellipsoid, the calyx-lobes valvately coherent until shortly before anthesis, separating irregularly; calyx at full anthesis campanulate 11.5-12 x 7.5-10 mm, the sinuses between the ovate acute lobes 3-7.5 mm deep; corolla trumpet-shaped ±14-15 mm, cleft into erect-ascending ovate lobes ¼- as long as tube; androecium (of functionally male fls) ±370-merous and 35 mm long, the stemonozone 2—3.5 mm, the tube 11-12 mm, the filaments several-ranked, many outer ones sterile; anthers ±0.3 mm wide; lobed intrastaminal disc 0.3 mm; pistillate or hermaphroditic fls and fr unknown.
In riparian woodland, 120 m, known only from the lower Cauca valley, at ±7°30'N in mun. Tarazá, Antioquia, Colombia. — Not mapped. — Fl. X-XI.