Zygia lehmannii

  • Title

    Zygia lehmannii

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Zygia lehmannii (Harms) Britton & Rose

  • Description

    25. Zygia lehmannii (Harms) Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 130. 1936. Pithecolobium lehmannii Harms, Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 92. 1921. — "[Colombia.] ... am Rio Cofre auf dem Hochland von Popayan, 1700-2100 m. (F. C. Lehmann no. 8989)." — Holotypus, †B = F Neg. 1205!; isotypi, K!, NY!.

    Zygia cuspidata Killip ex L. Rico, Kew Bull. 46: 498, fig. 2G-K. 1991. — "COLOMBIA. Valle de Cauca, Río Inquito [= Río Inguito in depto. Cauca], Cordillera Occidental, woods, 2800 m, Feb. 1938, [E.] Dryander 2060" — Holotypus, K!; isotypus, US (not available in 1994). Pithecellobium lehmannii sensu Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13: 498. 1937; Barbosa, 1989: 5.

    Amply foliate, cauliflorous trees ±6(-?) m, the young branches, all lf-axes and the major veins of hy- pophyllum of lfts pilosulous with erect brownish hairs to ±0.6 mm, the foliage bicolored, the thin-textured lfts when dry dark brown but pallid-veined above, paler brown beneath, the dense racemes of relatively large (reportedly scarlet) fls shortly pedunculate, arising solitary from knots on trunk and branches. Stipules lanceolate 2-10 mm, dorsally pilosulous like stem, forming a loose perule at tip of homotinous stems, but those subtending developed lvs early caducous. Lf-formula i/4½-6½ the lfts 9-13 per pinna; lf-stks 1.8-3 cm, charged at apex with a subsessile, shallowly cupular nectary ±1 mm diam; rachis of pinnae 10-15 cm, the longer interfoliolar segments ±2-3 cm; lft-pulvinules in dorsal view ±2 mm, but the lfts appearing subsessile in ventral view; lfts proximally decrescent, subequilaterally lance-elliptic from shallowly semicordate base, slenderly acuminate or caudate, the longer ones 7-22 x 1.6-7 cm, 2.9-4.3 times as long as wide; venation asymmetrically pinnate, the nearly straight and centric midrib giving rise on posterior side to ±5-6 and on anterior side to as many as 9 major secondary nerves weakly brochidodrome close within the plane margin, the first 1-3 secondaries on posterior side longer and stronger than the rest, the connecting tertiary and reticular venules faint. Peduncles 8-25 mm, sometimes imbricately bracteate at base; raceme-axis stout, 25-40 x 3 mm, the fls subcontiguous; bracts linear-subulate ±1.5 mm, either persistent or decidous; pedicels (l-)2-4 mm; perianth minutely puberulent, either overall or only on corolla-lobes, nowhere striately nerved; calyx hemispherical or shallowly campanulate 1.6-2.5 x 1.8-3 mm, the deltate teeth ±0.15 mm; corolla subtubular 15.5-20 mm, at orifice 3.5-6 mm diam, the erect, lanceolate or ovate-triangular lobes 3.3-5 x 2.5-3 mm; androecium 60-120-merous, ±4—5 cm, the tube 2-7 mm; intrastaminal nectary ±1 mm tall; ovary at anthesis glabrous, sessile, obliquely conic at tip; stigma 0.25 mm diam. Pods unknown.

    In moist montane woodland at 1700-2800 m, local between 1°N and 3°30'N in the Andes of Colombia: on left affluents of Río Cauca between Popayán and Cali (depts. Cauca and Valle); and on the E slope of Cordillera Oriental above Mocoa (dept. Putumayo). —Not mapped. — Fl. II-V(-?). — Guasca de pomo.