Calliandra magdalenae var. colombiana

  • Title

    Calliandra magdalenae var. colombiana

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Calliandra magdalenae var. colombiana (Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip) Barneby

  • Description

    42a. Calliandra magdalenae (de Candolle) Bentham var. colombiana (Britton & Killip) Barneby, stat. nov. C. colombiana Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 135. 1936. — "Colombia. Natagaima, Huila ... 450-500 m., August 12, 1917, [F. W.] Pennell 1153." — Holotypus, NY!; isotypus, NY!.

    Anneslia chiapensis Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 61. 1928. "Type from near Tapachula, Chiapas, 1896, [E.W.] Nelson 3838." — Holotypus, US!; isotypus, NY!. — Calliandra chiapensis Lundell, Phytologia 1: 369. 1940. — Equated with C. magdalenae by Woodson and Schery (1950: 259).

    A. tonduzii Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 61. 1928. — "Type collected at Bonica [= Burica], Costa Rica, 1891, Tonduz 4544T — Holotypus, US!; clastotypus, NY!. — Calliandra tonduzii Standley, Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. ser. 4: 309. 1929. — Equated with C. magdalenae by Woodson and Schery (1950: 259).

    Calliandra santanderensis Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 135. 1936. — "Río Surata Valley, near Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, 400-600 m ... December 28, 1926, Killip & Smith 16205." — Holotypus, NY!. — Mistakenly described as having pinnae bijugae, this derived from a short branchlet bearing two distinct but partly overlapping leaves with geminate pinnae.

    As described for the species and modified by the key to varieties.

    Colonial along streams in open woodland, surviving and sometimes invasive in cafetal and pastureland, 200-900 m, discontinuously dispersed in Central America and Colombia: from e. Oaxaca and Chiapas in Mexico s. to Panama; Magdalena valley, Colombia, in deptos. Santander, Cundinamarca, Caldas, Tolima, Huila. — Fl. VI-I. (Central America), VI-VIII  (Colombia) — Map 25. — Aroma (Panama); rayado (Colombia).