Astragalus collinus

  • Title

    Astragalus collinus

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Astragalus collinus Douglas ex Hook.

  • Description

    76. Astragalus collinus

    Robust or sometimes quite slender, villosulous nearly throughout with fine, ascending, incurved, sinuous, or curly hairs up to 0.3-0.55 mm. long, the herbage cinereous or greenish, the leaflets commonly pubescent on both sides, sometimes thinly so or (rarely) glabrous above; stems several or numerous, decumbent, diffusely ascending, or nearly erect, 1.5-4 (5) dm. long, together forming low, well- furnished clumps, commonly slender and leafless at base, stouter upward, composed of ± 4-7 (11) developed internodes, spurred or branched at 1 or more nodes at and below the middle; stipules 2-5 (7) mm. long, the lowest early becoming papery, decurrent around ± half the stem, the median and upper ones narrower, with lanceolate or triangular-acuminate, erect or deflexed, herbaceous blades; leaves 3-9 (10.5) cm. long, shortly petioled or the uppermost subsessile, with (9) 11-21 (25) oblong-oblanceolate, narrowly obovate-cuneate, or linear- elliptic, nearly always truncate-retuse but occasionally obtuse, flat leaflets 4-20 (22) mm. long; peduncles erect or incurved-ascending, (4) 5-16 cm. long, equaling or commonly surpassing the leaf; racemes (10) 15—40 (55)-flowered, rather dense at early anthesis, the nodding flowers then retrosely imbricated, becoming looser in age, the axis (3) 4-12 (18) cm. long in fruit; bracts submembranous, ovate, lanceolate, or lance-acuminate, 1.5—3.5 mm. long; pedicels slender, ascending, at anthesis straight or nearly so, 0.8—2 mm. long, in fruit a trifle thickened, 1.5-2.8 mm. long; bracteoles commonly 2, rarely vestigial or 0; calyx 7-12.3 mm. long, villosulous or subtomentulose with white or some black hairs, the strongly oblique disc (0.8) 1-1.7 (2) mm. deep, the membranous, pallid, ovoid-campanulate or broadly cylindric tube 5.8-9.4 mm. long, (3.2) 3.7-5.7 mm. in diameter, straight or nearly so on the dorsal side, strongly convex on the ventral side and gibbous-saccate at base, the broadly lanceolate, triangular-subulate, or deltoid teeth (0.8) 1-2.7 (3.5) mm. long, the ventral pair broadest but either longer or shorter than the rest, the whole becoming papery, marcescent unruptured; petals cream-colored or pale lemon-yellow, the blade of the banner and the auricles of the wings and keel sometimes fleshy-thickened; banner (10.5) 12-17.2 mm. long, sigmoidally arched, the long-cuneate claw incurved proximally to conform with the calyx, the broadly oval, rhombic-ovate, or suborbicular, notched blade very abruptly and strongly folded back around the margins and 5-8.6 mm. wide, the blade exceptionally better developed and rhombic-oblanceolate, then recurved through ±50°; wings (10.5) 11-15.7 mm. long, the claws (5.3) 6-8.2 mm., the obovate or broadly oblanceolate, obtuse or subemarginate, nearly straight blades (5.1) 5.4-9 mm. long, 2.1-3.3 mm. wide; keel 8.7-13.2 mm. long, the claws (5.3) 6-8.8 mm., the obtusely triangular blades (3.7) 4-5.5 mm. long, 2.2-3.5 mm. wide, abruptly incurved through ± 90° to the bluntly deltoid apex; anthers (0.4) 0.5-0.75 (0.9) mm. long; pod pendulous, stipitate, the straight, slender stipe 5-15 mm. long, the body Unear- or narrowly lance-oblong in profile, or in one var. obliquely ovate-oblong to lunate-oblong, straight or gently incurved, 0.7-2.5 cm. long, 2.3—4.2 mm. in diameter, cuneate at both ends, shortly cuspidate at apex, strongly compressed, bicarinate by the thickened, salient sutures, the lateral faces low-convex toward the dorsal suture, the somewhat fleshy, greenish valves becoming stramineous, leathery, impressed-reticulate, not inflexed; ovules 7-18; seeds (seldom seen) brown or olivaceous, smooth or pitted, dull ± 2.5 mm. long.