Tassel Flower

  • Title

    Tassel Flower

  • Authors

    Ethan H. Freid

  • Scientific Name

    Emilia fosbergii Nicolson

  • Description

    Common Names

    Tassel Flower, Purple Emilia




    Emilia fosbergii grows as an herbaceous annual to about 1 meter in height (usually much shorter). The leaves are arranged alternately, to 8 cm in length and without petioles; sagittately clasping to the stem. The leaves are obovate to oblanceolate with an acute or obtuse leaf apex and dentate to lobed margin. The leaves have a sparse covering of pubescence.

    The actinomorphic flowers are arranged in heads. The head is subtended by a series of phyllaries forming an urn-shaped involucre. The calyx has been reduced to a series of fine hairs (pappus). The corolla has 5 fused, salmon-red petals. There are 5 stamens that are fused to the inside of the corolla tube. The inferior ovary has a single locule. The fruit is an achene that retains the pappus at maturity. The pappus aids in aerial fruit/seed dispersal.


    Emilia fosbergii grows in human-disturbed habitats such as yards, roadsides and abandoned fields.

    Distribution in Bahamas/Globally

    Emilia fosbergii occurs throughout the Bahamian Archipelago as well as the southern United States to California and Hawaii, the entire Caribbean region and South America.

    Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage

    Emilia fosbergii is not used medicinally in the Bahamas.