
  • Title


  • Description

    Trees, to 35 m tall, unbuttressed. Bark not fissured. Leaves in clusters at ends of branches; petioles 5-30 mm long; blades (6-)8-31(-57) 3-10 cm, usually narrowly obovate to obovate, sometimes elliptic, glabrous adaxially, pubescent on veins abaxially, often with a tuft of trichomes (possibly domatia) in axils of secondary veins; base cuneate; margins entire; apex generally acute or acuminate; secondary veins in 15-25 pairs, the tertiary veins weakly percurrent, the higher order venation forming well-defined areoles. Inflorescences cauline, usually unbranched racemes, sometimes branched and paniculate, sometimes covering entire trunk; pedicels 12-60 mm long. Flowers zygomorphic, 5-6 cm diam.; calyx-lobes 6, imbricate, the margins ciliate; petals 6, most commonly yellow toward apices and pink to red toward bases abaxially, pink to red except for white bases adaxially; androecium prolonged on one side into flat hood, with stamen free area between staminal ring and hood proper, the hood white or pale yellow tinged with pink externally, the ring stamens with white filaments and pale yellow anthers, the hood staminodes often white at very base, pink for most of length, and yellow at apex, sometimes white for most of length and yellow at apex, the stamens with lateral dehiscence; ovary inferior, 6-locular. Fruits indehiscent, globose, 12-25 cm diam., falling from tree at maturity. Seeds embedded in pulp, the pulp oxidizing bluish-green when exposed to air, the testa with trichomes; embryo with 2 foliaceous cotyledons.