Dalea carthagenensis var. barbata

  • Title

    Dalea carthagenensis var. barbata

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Dalea carthagenensis var. barbata (Oerst.) Barneby

  • Description

    139b.  Dalea carthagenensis (Jacquin) Macbride var. barbata (Oersted) Barneby

    (Plate CXXV)

    Villosulous throughout, or the stems subglabrous and the mature leaflets finally glabrate; primary cauline leaves 2.5-7 cm long, with 11-15 (17) leaflets 5-16 mm long; spikes both pedunculate and (later) sessile, all subcapitate or the earlier ones a little elongating, the axis up to 2 but mostly less than 1 cm long; bracts 3-5.5 (6.5) mm long, villosulous dorsally; calyx densely silky-pilose, 6.2-8.8 mm long, the tube 2.6-3.3 mm long, the intercostal glands 2-4, small, distant, immersed or scarcely protuberant, often pale or transparent, concealed by vesture, the plumose teeth straight or finally stellately recurving, 3.5-5.6 mm long; banner 4.2-5.2 mm, the claw 1.7-2.8 mm, the blade 2.4-3.1 mm long; keel 6-7.8 mm long, the claws (1.7) 2-3.2 mm, the blades 4.2-5.1 mm long, (2.1) 2.4-2.8 mm wide; androecium 6-8.5 mm long.— Collections: 52 (o).

    Savannas and thickets near sea-level, ascending in dry open places into pine-oak forest, reaching 2000 m in Guatemala, perhaps occasionally higher, very common locally in second-growth brush, sometimes weedy along highways and in hedges, widely dispersed through Central America, from highland Chiapas, Mexico, to Panama, and reappearing on upper Rio Magdalena and Rio Juanambu (Narino), Colombia.—Flowering September to April (July), perhaps at intervals throughout the year.— Representative: MEXICO. Chiapas. Arriaga: Juzepczuk 1380 (F). Cintalapa: Purpus 10,328 (NY, UC). Tuxtla Gutierrez: Miranda 6735 (MEXU). Comitan: Gentry 12,190 (MICH, RENNER). La Trinitaria: Raven & Breedlove 13,209 (US). GUATEMALA. Huehuetenango: Friedrichstal 1173 (W). Guatemala: Williams & Molina 15,282 (F). Zacapa: Kellerman 5986 (UC). Jutiapa: Standley 76,140 (F). EL SALVADOR. Ahuachapan: Standley & Padillo 2852 (F). Santa Ana: Standley & Padillo 3104 (F). Morazan: Tucker 587 (F, NY, UC, US). HONDURAS. Comayagua: Standley & Chacon 5914 (F). Morazan: Molina 3386, 3913 (F). El Paraiso: Standley 28,027 (F). Choluteca: Standley 15,895 (F). NICARAGUA. Esteli: Molina 23,099 (NY). Jinotega: Standley 10,144 (F). Matagalpa: typus. Managua: Br. Garnier 99 (US). Granada: Levy in 1870 (C). COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Molina et al. 26,381 (NY). San Jose: Pittier 1610 (BR, US). Puntarenas: Valerio 1465 (F). PANAMA. Ver- aguas: P. H. Allen 1601 (NY). Cocle: Pittier 5100 (NY). Panama: P. H. Allen 1139 (NY). COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Triana in 1851-7 (NY, US, W). Huila: Rusby & Pennell 368, 369 (NY, US). Narino: Triana in 1851-7 (BR, NY, US, W).

    Dalea carthagenensis var. barbata (Oersted) Barneby, comb. nov., based on D. vulneraria y barbata Oerst. Vidensk. Meddel. 1853: 4. 1854. — "...i Provindsen Segovias Holland imellem Matagalpa og Chinotega i en Hoide af 3-4000 Fod..." — Holotypus, labelled "Dalea vulneraria y barbata. Ad Matagalpa in Segovia", accompanied by 3 tickets: a) Dalea N. 6-7...; b) Dalea N. 5. Ad Ginotega in Segovia; c) Liebmann Pl. Mex. 4596, this clearly modern and irrelevant. Tickets a and b are in Oersted’s hand but probably only the first belongs with the specimen, which agrees perfectly with the protologue, C! isotypus (Oersted 5, 6), K! — Parosela barbata (Oerst.) Rydb., N. Amer. Fl. 24: 116. 1920.

    Dalea vulneraria a brevidens (short-toothed, of the calyx) Oersted, Vidensk. Meddel. 1853: 4. 1854.— Data as for var. barbata. — (?) Holotypus, corresponding with the protologue but ticketed ß typica, C!

    This variety is very closely akin to the villous aspect of var. carthagenensis. The leaves and relatively ample flowers are the same, and the calyx is of the same size and proportions, but its intercostal glands are only feebly protuberant or fully immersed, as well as smaller and paler, scarcely discernible from external view. The variety is typically developed in Central America from Panama northward. In interior Colombia, between Cundinamarca and Narino, there occurs a form in which the densely long-pilose calyx of var. barbata is combined with small but highly colored, often readily visible glands. This is referred somewhat arbitrarily to var. barbata, but is intermediate to var. carthagenensis. In the northern part of its range, from Nicaragua northward, var. barbata is sympatric with and perhaps sometimes directly associated with D. scandens var. vulneraria, similar in general appearance but different in the short calyx-tube (1.8-2.5, not 2.6-3.2 mm long) that is glabrous externally or almost so and charged with 1-3 very big, often confluent blister-glands and in the strongly hooked calyx-teeth.