Dalea myriadenia

  • Title

    Dalea myriadenia

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Dalea myriadenia Ulbr.

  • Description

    81.  Dalea myriadenia Ulbrich

    (Plate LXXXIII)

    Suffruticose or fruticose, sometimes procumbent or diffuse but probably sometimes erect, ± 0.6-1 m tall, appearing glabrous to the spikes but the young branchlets, stipules, and leaf-stalks minutely or transiently puberulent, the growing stems greenish or purplish, prominently and densely gland-verrucose, the foliage green, the thick- textured leaflets smooth above, sprinkled beneath with raised livid glands, glabrous or puberulent dorsally along the slender midrib; leaf-spurs 1-1.5 mm long, when dry livid, wrinkled; stipules subulate 1.5-2.5 mm long, thick-textured; intrapetiolular glands 2, small, sometimes spiculiform; post-petiolular glands large, conic, orange or golden; leaves petioled, the main cauline ones (few seen) drought-deciduous, up to 2.5-3.5 cm long, with narrowly thick-margined rachis and 4-6 (7, or ex char. 8) pairs of narrowly obovate to oblong-elliptic, obtuse but bluntly gland-mucronate, flat or shallowly navicular leaflets up to 6-9 mm long, the terminal one stalked but not larger than the last pair, the leaves of branchlets and axillary spurs shorter, with 2-5 pairs of smaller leaflets; peduncles except the first of each main axis terminal to leafy branchlets, the first up to 2-4 cm, the rest 0-2 cm long, puberulent or (near the spike) pilosulous; spikes loose or early becoming so, the flowers (pressed) falling into 2-3 ranks and exposing much of the very densely and softly pilosulous axis (hairs to 0.2-0.25 mm long), this finally 2.5-6 cm long; bracts persistent, clasping the calyx, the broadly ovate, papery body 3.3-4.8 mm long, in profile (1.8) 2-2.4 mm wide, dorsally charged with many elliptic blister-glands but either glabrous or beyond middle thinly pilosulous, ciliolate distally and passing into a subulate incurved gland-tipped tail 1.5-3 mm long; calyx 4.1-4.7 mm long, the shortly and broadly campanulate tube 3-3.6 mm long, thinly pilosulous with fine spreading spiral hairs up to 0.5-0.6 mm long, the ribs slender, castaneous (livid-margined) scarcely prominent, the membranous flat intervals all (or at least the broader ventral ones) charged with 2 irregular rows of smaller suborbicular and longer elliptic or linear-elliptic blister-glands up to 0.6-0.7 mm long, the orifice a little oblique but not abruptly recessed behind banner, densely pilose within and marginally with a fringe of erect hairs up to 0.5-0.7 mm long, the teeth unequal, the dorsal one deltate-triangular and short-apiculate, 1-1.2 mm long, the rest much broader and shorter, broader than long, depressed- deltate and shortly gland-apiculate, often 1-2-gland-spurred; petals essentially as in D. coerulea in form and color, all gland-tipped, the banner sprinkled with many glands, dorsally glabrous, the epistemonous ones perched 1.8-2.3 mm above hypanthium; banner 7.6-8.3 mm long, the claw 3-4 mm, the suborbicular-cordate blade 5.3-6.3 mm long, 5.6-6.6 mm wide; wings 7-7.7 mm long, the claw 2-2.4 mm, the ovate- oblong blade 5.5-6.7 mm long, 3.4-4.1 mm wide; keel 9.5-11 mm long, the claws 2.8-4.2 mm, the blades 7.4-8 mm long, 4.3-4.6 mm wide; androecium 10-merous, 11.5-12.5 mm long, the longer filaments free for 3.3-3.6 mm, the connective gland- tipped, the anthers 0.7-0.8 mm long; pod isotriangular, the style-base at corner, the sutures subfiliform, the valves membranous and glabrous proximally, thence papery, pilosulous, gland-sprinkled. — Collections: 2 (o).

    Open brushy hillsides, 2700- 2900 m, local, known only from the valleys of Rio Maranon and its affluents in Cajamarca (prov. Chota and Cutervo) and Amazonas (prov. Chachapoyas), Peru. — Flowering June to August, probably at other times.— Material: Cajamarca. Chota: Chota to Lajas, Ochoa 1541 (F). Cutervo: Cutervo, Ferreyra & Acleto 15,386 (NY, US).

    Dalea myriadenia (with innumerable glands) Ulbr., Feddes Repert. 2: 9. 1906. — "Peru- via: In declivibus orientalibus vallis fluminis, qui Maranon dicitur supra Balsas in departi- mento Amazonas, provinciae Chachapoyas (A. Weberbauer no. 4279.... 25. junio 1904)."—Holotypus, formerly B, survives as Field Neg. 731, F, NY, US!—Parosela myriadenia (Ulbr.) Macbr., Field Mus., Bot. 4: 108. 1927.

    Resembling and doubtless related to D. coerulea and D. cylindrica var. nova, and sympatric with the latter, but distinguished from both by the peculiar, short-toothed calyx with biseriate glands in the intercostal membranes. The thinly pilose pubescence of the calyx-tube contrasts strongly with the silvery-fringed orifice. Despite the epithet myriadenia, the plant is hardly more densely glandular than some forms of var. nova collected in Cajamarca. The bracts are similar to those of var. nova but in proportion to the subtended calyx substantially more ample.