Dalea cylindrica var. cylindrica

  • Title

    Dalea cylindrica var. cylindrica

  • Authors

    Rupert C. Barneby

  • Scientific Name

    Dalea cylindrica Hook. var. cylindrica

  • Description

    80a.  Dalea cylindrica Hooker var. cylindrica

    (Plate LXXXI)

    Stems at first slender and diffuse, sometimes suffruticose and ascending or erect in age, up to 7-10 dm long, minutely and distantly verruculose; primary leaves 2-5.5 cm long, the leaflets mostly 6-15 mm long, often glabrous above but not always so; calyx-tube glabrous or thinly pilose, the glands of intercostal membranes mostly livid or blackish; banner opening cream-colored, sometimes with purple basal lobes, rubescent; epistemonous petals varying from ochroleucous or pale yellowish fading purplish in inner half to bright reddish-purple except for pale exterior margins; spikes terminal to primary cauline axes mostly 3-8 cm long. — Collections: 26 (o).

    Open rocky slopes, 800-3550 but mostly above 1700 m, apparently local along the Pacific slope of the Peruvian Andes from Moquegua to s.-w. Cajamarca (Contumaza). — Flowering November to June.—Representative: Cajamarca. Contumaza: Lopez, Sagastegui & Sanchez 3673 (US). Ancash. Bolognesi: Ferreyra 5625, 5637, 5700, 7330 (US). Yungay: typus of D. samancoensis. Ljma. Canta: Pennell 14,549 (F, K, NY, US). Huarochiri: Goodspeed & Weberbauer 33,054 (UC, US). Ayacucho. Lucanas: Ferreyra 5484 (US), 7182 (F, US). Parinacochas: Weberbauer 5798 (F, US). Arequipa. Condesuyos: Stafford 1209 (F, K). Arequipa: Pennell 13,153 (F, NY), 13,155 (F, K, NY, US); Sandeman 3770B (K, OXF). Caraveli: Ferreyra 13,433 (REGINA). Moquegua. Mariscal Nieto: Weberbauer 7291 (F).

    Dalea cylindrica (cylindrical, of the spikes) Hook., Bot. Misc. 2: 213. 1831. — "Valley of Canta." — Holotypus, collected by Alexander Cruckshanks, K (herb. Hook.)! — Parosela cylindrica (Hook.) Macbr., Contrib. Gray Herb., New Ser. 65: 23. 1922.

    Dalea samancoensis Ulbr., Feddes Repert. 2: 8. 1906. — "Peruvia: inter Samanco et Caraz infra Haciendam Cajabambam in departimento Ancachs, 3000-3500 m (A. Weberbauer legit 27. V. 1903...no. 3136)." — Holotypus, formerly B, survives as Field Neg. 2039, F + fragm. clastotyp., NY, US!—A cylindrica var. samancoensis (Ulbr.) Macbr., Field Mus., Bot. 133: 368. 1943.

    Dalea calocalyx (with beautiful calyx) Ulbr., Feddes Repert. 2: 10. 1906. — "Peruvia: Ad viam ferream a Lima ad Owyam: in valle Huillacachi procul Matucana...2370- 3000 m (A. Weberbauer...28 decemb. 1901)." —Holotypus, formerly B, survives as Field Neg. 2033, F + fragm. clastotyp., NY, US!— Parosela calocalyx (Ulbr.) Macbr. Field Mus., Bot. 4: 104. 1927.

    Parosela rubricaulis (red-stemmed) Rusby, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 511. 1910.— "Arequipa, 7500 ft., Aug. 8, 1901 (No. 2523)." — Holotypus, collected by R. S. Williams, NY! isotypi, K, US! — Non Dalea rubricaulis Ulbr., 1915.

    My definition of var. cylindrica admits considerable variation in pubescence of stems and leaves, but the hairs are always short and subappressed. The ample material from Canta shows that the nomenclatural type belongs to a diffuse or prostrate phase with green leaves and externally glabrous calyx. The flowers from this province are either bicolored from the beginning, or open sulfur-yellow and turn more or less purple in age, a sequence particularly noted by Pennell on Rio Chillon above Obrajillo. The description and photo- typus of D. calocalyx agree closely with topotypical D. cylindrica’, according to Macbride the calyx varied from glabrous to pilose, and there is one example of a hairy calyx in the clastotypus cited. The material from Arequipa, likewise extensive, differs in its more erect and perhaps taller stature and uniformly purple epistemonous petals. In the early stages of this study I thought this might be distinguished taxonomically, but collections from Ayacucho seen subsequently have dispelled the notion. The plants from Ancash and Cajamarca with externally pubescent calyx and purple epistemonous petals combined (but not constantly) with silky-pubescent leaflets correspond more or less closely with var. samancoensis (Ulbr.) Macbr., treated here as a minor variant but of interest because it suggests passage into the more northern and more pubescent var. sulfurea. It is a measure of the difficulties encountered when a group of plants has not been revised methodically that Ulbrich compared his D. calocalyx with the Mexican D. tuberculata and his D. samancoensis with the Mexican D. mutabilis, but neither of them with the sympatric D. cylindrica, his diagnoses being technically sound but, due to lack of proper context, essentially irrelevant.