Marina crenulata var. crenulata
Marina crenulata var. crenulata
Rupert C. Barneby
Scientific Name
Marina crenulata var. crenulata
28a. Marina crenulata (Hooker & Amott) Barneby var. crenulata
(Plate XXI)
Stems 6-20 dm long, simple except for a few short branches distally, usually livid and glaucescent; flowers variable in size, the keel-blades mostly 5-6.3 mm long.—Collections: 16 (i).
Dry grassy hillsides, ascending from coastal brush and short-tree xeric woodland into the lower edge of the oak-belt, 75-1700 (1900) m (± 250-6300 ft), local but forming extensive colonies, along the Pacific slope of Sierra Madre from s. Sonora (Sierra de Alamos) and s.-w. Chihuahua (Sierra Charuco) to w. Jalisco, extending inland along the valley of Rio Grande de Santiago almost to Guadalajara; apparently disjunctly on s. slope of Sierra Madre del Sur in s.-centr. Guerrero. — Flowering from November onward, the main bloom from January to April. — Representative: Sonora: Palmer 385 (ARIZ, MEXU, NY, US). Chihuahua: Gentry 8069, 8112 (MICH, NY, UC). Sinaloa: Gentry 5814 (ARIZ, MICH, NY), 7313 (GH, NY). Nayarit; Palmer 1974 (ARIZ, NY); Ripley & Barneby 14,033 (CAS, NY); Jones 23,066 (NY, UC). Jalisco: Mexia 1881 (F, GH, NY, UC); McVaugh 8884 (ENCB). Guerrero: Langlasse 819 (MEXU).
Marina crenulata (Hook. & Arn.) Barneby, comb. nov., based on Dalea crenulata (crenulate, of the calyx-teeth) Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beechey Voy. 285. 1836.— "Found at Talisco [= Jalisco, Nayarit]." — Holotypus, so labelled, K. (herb. Hook.)! = Univ. Mich. Neg. 5211 — Parosela crenulata (Hook. & Arn.) Rose, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8: 306. 1905.