Goat Weed

  • Title

    Goat Weed

  • Authors

    Ethan H. Freid

  • Scientific Name

    Capraria biflora L.

  • Description

    Common Names

    Goat Weed, Stow Weed




    Capraria biflora grows as an herbaceous perennial, up to 1 m in height, whose base becomes woody with age. The leaves are arranged alternately, are up to 12 cm long with a serrate margin and an acute leaf apex. The vegetation varies from pubescent to glabrous.

    The actinomorphic flowers are arranged solitarily or in pairs in leaf axils. There are 5 unfused green, hairy sepals in the calyx. There are 5 white petals in the in the corolla that are fused at their base forming a short tube. There are 5 stamens fused to the base of the corolla tube. The ovary is superior with 2 locules and numerous seeds. The fruit is a capsule.


    Capraria biflora grows in human disturbed areas such as abandoned fields and roadsides as well as occasionally in Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formation – Woodlands (sparse coppice).

    Distribution in Bahamas/Globally

    Capraria biflora occurs on all island groups within the Bahamian archipelago as well as all of the tropics and subtropics of the New World.

    Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage

    Capraria biflora is used in the Bahamas to treat colds and flu. It is used in the greater Caribbean to treat fevers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, irritable bowels, to clean the blood and skin, to stop vomiting and as eyewash.