Silver Thatch

  • Title

    Silver Thatch

  • Authors

    Ethan H. Freid

  • Scientific Name

    Coccothrinax argentata (Jacq.) L.H.Bailey

  • Description

    Coccothrinax argentata grows into a medium size tree up to 10 meters in height and approximately 15 cm in diameter. The bark is smooth. Leaves are arranged spirally at the top of the trunk. The petiole base is expanded into a fibrous sheath. The leaves are palmate to approximate 75 centimeters wide. The lower surface has silvery hairs on it given the species its common name. Flowers are arranged along a central rachis in a narrow panicle. There calyx and corolla are pale yellow white and 3 lobed. There are 11 or 12 stamens. The fruit is a drupe (fleshy with a hard central seed) that is black at maturity.

    Coccothrinax argentata occurs in coastal areas on sand substrate. In many areas it is the dominant species forming a Palm Shrubland (Palm Coppice).

    Distribution in Bahamas/Globally
    Coccothrinax argentata occurs through out all of the islands of the Bahamas, south Florida, Mexico as well as the Caribbean. There is a closely related endemic species (Coccothrinax inaguensis) that occurs in the southern Bahamian islands.

    Cultural usage
    Coccothrinax argentata is used to treat pain.