• Title

  • Authors

    Nilda González Toro, José A. García Luiña

  • Scientific Name

    Passiflora suberosa L.

  • Description

    Bejuco que trepa mediante zarcillos alcanzando 6 pies de extensión. Posee hojas trilobuladas con el margen levemente doblado hacia abajo, flores solitarias o gemelas de color morado y frutos en forma de huevo de color verde amarillento cambiando a violeta oscuro al madurar. Ha sido utilizado como diaforético y sudorífico. Los frutos de sabor amargo son comestibles. Crece a orillas de carreteras, pastizales, bosques y zonas costeras en elevaciones medias y bajas de Puerto Rico y la Isla de Mona. Está distribuido en las Antillas, Florida, América Central y del Sur. Reed that climbs by means of tendrils reaching 6 feet of extension. It has tri lobed leaves with the margin slightly bent downwards, solitary or twinflowers of mulberry color, and egg shaped fruits of yellowish green color changing to violet obscure when ripe. It has been used like diaphoretic and to promote sweating. The bitter flavored fruits are edible. It grows along borders of highways, coastal thickets, and forests zones at medium and low elevations of Puerto Rico and the Island of Mona. It is distributed in the Antilles, Florida, and Central and South America.