Gallito, Cresta de gallo, Báculo, Agati

  • Title

    Gallito, Cresta de gallo, Báculo, Agati

  • Authors

    Nilda González Toro, José A. García Luiña

  • Scientific Name

    Agati grandiflora (L.) Desv.

  • Description

    Árbol de hojas caducas que puede alcanzar 25 pies de alto y un pie de diámetro en el tronco. De crecimiento rápido, corta vida, copa ralas de pocas ramas, flores grandes blancas o rojo brillante en racimos colgantes y vainas achatadas castaño claro. Las hojas y renuevos han servido de alimento para el ganado. De la savia del tronco se obtiene una goma que sirve de base para la obtención de tintes rojos y amarillos. Extractos de las hojas, flores y corteza se han usado en la medicina casera. Se ha sembrado como ornamental en jardines y escapado del cultivo encontrándose a orillas de carreteras y malezas de Puerto Rico y la Isla de Vieques. Está extensamente distribuido en Florida, las Antillas, México, América Central y del Sur. Tree of caduceus leaves that can reach to twenty-five feet of height and a foot of diameter in the trunk. Of fast growth but short life, with a thin canopy of few branches, large brilliant white or red flowers in hanging racemes, and clear brown flattened pods. The leaves and sprouts have served as food for the cattle. From the sap of the trunk, a rubber is obtained that serves as base for a red or yellow dye. Extract of the leaves, flowers and crust have been used in home remedies. It has been used like an ornamental in gardens and can be found along borders of highways and thickets of Puerto Rico and Island of Vieques. It is extensively distributed in Florida, the Antilles, Mexico, and Central America and of the South.