Mimosa turneri, Mimosa zygophylla, Mimosa borealis, Mimosa unipinnata

  • Title

    Mimosa turneri, Mimosa zygophylla, Mimosa borealis, Mimosa unipinnata

  • Creator(s)

    B. Angell

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    Fig. 2. Leaves, flowers, and pods of Mimosa zygophylla, M. borealis, M. turneri, and M. unipinnata. Size and proportions portray the average in all specimens examined; leaves and flowers X10, pods X1. Published in Brittonia 38(1). 1986.

  • Taxonomy

    Mimosa turneri Barneby

    Mimosa zygophylla Benth.

    Mimosa borealis A.Gray

    Mimosa unipinnata B.D.Parfitt & Pinkava

  • License Statement

    Image may not be reproduced without the permission of The New York Botanical Garden Press and Bobbi Angell.

  • Image Type
