Mimosa page 57 figure 2

  • Title

    Mimosa page 57 figure 2

  • Creator(s)

    B. Angell

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    FIG. 2. Mimosa revoluta (Kunth) Bentham: A. Fruiting branchlet. B. Flowering node. C. Proximal segment of lf-stk (ventral view), showing nectary and paraphyllidia. D. Flower + bract. E. Pod, comparatively weakly setose. (A from B. Becker 749\ B-D from Feuerer 23o65a; E from Feuerer lo293.)

  • Taxonomy

    Mimosa revoluta (Kunth) Benth.

  • License Statement

    Image may not be reproduced without the permission of The New York Botanical Garden Press and Bobbi Angell.

  • Image Type
