Cassia page 208 plate18

  • Title

    Cassia page 208 plate18

  • Creator(s)

    M. Marshall

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    Plate 18. Left, Cassia semaphora Irwin & Barneby : a) habit X 1/2; b, c, d) details of leaf-stalk and pod-valves X 3 (Irwin & at. 20976). Right, Cassia myrophenges Irwin & Barneby: a, a) lower and upper branchlets b, c) details of leaf-stalk and pulvinus X 3 (Maguire & al. 49148).

  • Taxonomy

    Cassia semaphora H.S.Irwin & Barneby

    Cassia myrophenges H.S.Irwin & Barneby

  • Image Type
