Daleae Imagines page 872 plate CXL

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 872 plate CXL

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXL Dalea jamesii (Torr.) T. & G. and D. prostrata Ort., low herbs of arid hill country and grama grasslands in southwestern United States and the Mexican plateau, are alike in their trifoliolate leaves and yellow flowers that fade orange- or pinkish-brown. The cespitose D. jamesii seldom reaches a full decimeter in height, has foliage silvery with subappressed hairs, and ranges from southeastern Colorado and the Oklahoma panhandle south and west through the Pecos and Rio Grande valleys into western Texas, southeastern Arizona, and interruptedly to southeastern Chihuahua. The related D. prostrata ranges southward from the limit of D. jamesii in Chihuahua to the Bajio country north of the Lerma River and to the Valley of Mexico, east into San Luis Potosi and Hidalgo. It differs in its much longer, pliantly humistrate leafy stems, greener foliage, and looser pilose pubescence. Habit × 1; the rest × 5. D. jamesii: 1) habit; 2) stipules; 3) flower + bract; 4) banner, ventral and profile views; 5) wing; 6) keel; 7) androecium; 8) pod, vertical and profile views. D. prostrata: 1) upper half of stem; 2) stipules; 3) flower + bract; 4) banner, profile and ventral views; 5) keel; 6) androecium; 7) pod, profile and vertical views.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea jamesii (Torr.) Torr. & A.Gray

    Dalea prostrata Ortega

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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    Image may not be reproduced without the permission of The New York Botanical Garden Press

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