Daleae Imagines page 867 plate CXXXVII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 867 plate CXXXVII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXXXVII Dalea aurea Nutt, and D. boraginea Barneby. The golden dalea, D. aurea, is an erect herb some 3-7 dm tall, its pinnately cinquefoil leaves gray with stiff, subappressed hairs. The virgate stems, rising solitary or few together from the root-stock, are commonly simple up to the one massive spike of silvery-barbate calyces, but sometimes branch distally, when each lateral branch terminates in a smaller conelike flower-head. The petals open clear but strong lemon-yellow, and unlike those of most Aureae do not turn brown or pinkish as they fade. The species is widely dispersed over the short-grass prairies of west-central United States and is common over much of Texas west of the timber belt, thence extending north, progressively rarer, to southwest South Dakota, west into the Pecos valley in New Mexico, and south into northern Coahuila and adjoining Chihuahua; local and disjunct in east-central Arizona. The related D. boraginea, remarkable for the spreading, almost hispid pubescence of the stems and setose calyces, resembles D. aurea in stature but has trefoil leaves. The intervals between the calyx-ribs are charged in D. aurea with a vertical row of about three small, round, honey-colored glands; in D. boraginea with a single long and narrow one. The epistemonous petals of D. boraginea, which is known only from the type-locality in east-central Coahuila, are still unknown but pretty certainly will prove to be of some shade of yellow. Stems and inflorescences × 1; the rest × 5. D. aurea: 1) base and summit of a stem 5 dm long; 2) stipules; 3) bract from middle of spike, ventral view; 4) flower; 5) banner, ventral view; 6) keel; 7) androecium; 8) pod, vertical and profile views. D. boraginea: 1) summit of stem 5 dm tall; 2) fruiting calyx; 3) part of calyx laid open; 4) banner, ventral view; 5) androecium.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea aurea Nutt. ex Pursh

    Dalea boraginea Barneby

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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