Daleae Imagines page 859 plate CXXXIII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 859 plate CXXXIII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXXXIII Dalea pogonathera Gray and D. lasiathera Gray are deceptively alike, loosely tufted herbs glabrous up to the calyces, with glaucous, dotted foliage, persistent bracts pustular on the back, and flowers varying from rich purple to pale lilac. Compare, however, the long-toothed, plumose calyx of D. pogonathera with the short-toothed, silky-pilosulous one of D. lasiathera, of which the leaves, furthermore, have usually one or two more pairs of leaflets. The range of D. pogonathera extends over the arid basins and tablelands of northern Mexico from northern Zacatecas into southern Arizona, southern New Mexico, and in Texas to the trans-Pecos region and the Gulf Coast Plains. At lower elevations in southern Texas and adjoining Mexico the species is represented by a small-flowered (fig. 3a) var. walkerae (Tharp & Barkl.) B. L. Turner. The range of D. lasiathera is approximately coextensive with that of var. walkerae: in Texas it is found mostly on the Edwards Plateau, whence it extends only to northern Coahuila, northern Tamaulipas, and in Nuevo Leon south about to the latitude of Monterrey. A pod with dilated keel along the leading edge, shown only for D. lasiathera (fig. 9), is common to both species. Habit × 1; leaflets × 3; the rest × 5. D. pogonathera: 1) stem; 2) leaflets; 3) flower of var. pogonathera; 3a) flower of var. walkerae; 4) fruiting calyx; 5) banner, ventral and profile view; 7) keel; 8) androecium. D. lasiathera: 1) stem; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) flower; 5) calyx, laid open; 6) banner, ventral view; 7) wing; 8) androecium; 9) pod, profile and vertical views.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea pogonathera A.Gray

    Dalea lasiathera A.Gray

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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