Daleae Imagines page 837 plate CXXII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 837 plate CXXII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXXII Dalea formosa Torr. and D. purpusi Bdg. are small, densely branching shrubs of pronounced xerophytic character, with stiff, crooked and eventually gnarled branches, lustrously plumose, long-toothed calyces, and large (in proportion to the neat, drought- deciduous foliage very large) flowers that open bicolored, the banner whitish or cream-colored but early rubescent, the inner petals pink- or lavender-purple. The range of D. formosa, which is glabrous except for the calyx and ciliolate margins of the bracts, extends from central Texas, the Oklahoma Panhandle and south-central Colorado w. and s. through the valleys of the Pecos and Rio Grande and the foothills all around the sources of the Gila to the Verde valley in central Arizona, extreme northeastern Sonora, northwestern Coahuila, and along the eastern piedmont of the Sierra Madre to Ciudad Chihuahua. Scattered flowers can be found on D. formosa during much of the summer and fall, but the season of abundant bloom is spring, from April through June according to altitude. The rare D. purpusi, known only from the east side of the Baja California peninsula between 26° and 28° N latitude, differs in its fewer, obovate leaflets thinly pubescent like the branchlets, bracts pilose on the back, and longer spikes of some 10-20 (not 2-10) flowers. Unlike those of D. formosa, the flowering branchlets of D. purpusi become hardened, the second year, into stout spines, a feature unique in Dalea, although found in several species of Psorothamnus. The flowering of D. purpusi is irregular and seldom observed; it occurs two months or more subsequent to heavy rains, mostly between December and April. — Flowering branchlets × 1; the rest × 5. Dalea formosa: 1) branchlet; 2) leaf-spur + stipules and inhibited axillary branchlet; 3) main cauline leaf; 4) bract, ventral view; 5) flower (long-toothed calyx); 6) another flower (short-toothed calyx) + bract (petals removed); 7) banner, ventral view. Dalea purpusi: 1) branchlets; 2) leaflet, dorsal view; 3) flower + bract; 4) bract, ventral view; 5) banner, ventral view; 6) androecium.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea formosa Torr.

    Dalea purpusii Brandegee

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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