Daleae Imagines page 835 plate CXXI

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 835 plate CXXI

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXXI Dalea tentaculoides Gentry and D. versicolor Zucc. ssp. argyrostachya (H. & A.) var. glabrescens (Rydb.) Barneby, suffrutescent herbs or small shrubs with prominently dotted foliage and bicolored flowers opening in the dry season, fall through winter, the banner whitish or pale yellow, the epistemonous petals rose-purple to pale lilac. The foliage of D. tentaculoides, a species of local occurrence in pine-oak forest of s.-e. Arizona, is either glabrous or minutely puberulent; the unique calyx lacks glands in the panels of the tube but bears on the teeth prominently developed gland-spurs drawn out into subulate or prickle-shaped processes. The var. glabrescens, which represents its polymorphic species in the grasslands and lower oak-belt of the Mexican Plateau and e. piedmont of Sierra Madre Occidental between centr. Chihuahua, Guanajuato, and San Luis Potosi, is commonly gray-pilosulous, more rarely almost glabrous up to the softly silky flower-spikes. The plants flower in autumn as tall virgate herbs, the densely leafy stems terminating in a few-branched panicle, but when circumstances favor growth into spring the cauline leaves are replaced by short-shoots bearing many subsessile shorter spikes, the vernal aspect simulating that shown for var. sessilis in Pl. CXIX. — Flowering stems and a detached cauline leaf × 1; the rest × 5. A. tentaculoides: 1) lateral branchlet, flowering in winter; 2) primary cauline leaf; 3) leaflet, dorsal view; 4) bract, dorsal view; 5) flower + bract; 6) calyx, laid open; 7) banner, ventral view; 8) wing; 9) androecium. A. versicolor var. glabrescens: 1) terminal branches flowering in autumn; 2) leaflets; pubescent and glabrate; 3) stipules; 4) bract, ventral view; 5) flower.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea versicolor var. glabrescens (Rydb.) Barneby

    Dalea tentaculoides Gentry

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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