Daleae Imagines page 831 plate CXIX

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 831 plate CXIX

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CXIX Dalea versicolor Zucc. (pars): lower right, tips of leaf-rachis × 5, in ssp. versicolor subterete, in ssp. argyrostachya grooved its whole length; 3 varieties of ssp. versicolor from s.-w. United States and Mexico. These are all small shrubs or suffrutescent herbs with foliage either glabrous or pilosulous, silky-villous calyces often minutely pedicelled, and rose-purple epistemonous petals expanded in autumn, winter and spring. The var. sessilis (Gray) Barneby is shown in its spring-flowering phase, when all but the uppermost primary cauline leaves have fallen and many axillary short-shoots are coming into flower; this variety ranges from s.-e. New Mexico and adjoining Arizona to n.-w. Mexico, and is replaced in the latitudes of s. Sonora and Sinaloa, along the Pacific slope of Sierra Madre, by the closely related var. calcarata (Gentry) Barneby, ideally different in its more numerous leaflets. The var. decipiens Barneby, very like var. sessilis but the leaflets with numerous small (not about 6-12 large and black) dots on the back, represents ssp. versicolor in Jalisco and Michoacan and possibly along the Sierra Madre del Sur; it is geographically intermediate to var. versicolor in Oaxaca and southward. — Flowering branch and detached primary leaves × 1; the rest × 5. var. sessilis: 1) flowering branch; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) bract + flower; 5) banner, ventral view. var. decipiens: Id) stipules; 2d) primary leaf; 3d) leaflets; 4d) flower. var. calcarata: lc) stipules; 2c) primary leaf; 3c) leaflets; 4c) flower.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea versicolor var. decipiens Barneby

    Dalea versicolor var. sessilis (A.Gray) Barneby

    Dalea versicolor var. calcarata (Gentry) Barneby

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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