Daleae Imagines page 813 plate CX

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 813 plate CX

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE CX Dalea saffordii (Rose) Bullock and D. eriophylla Wats, are not close relatives, but are endemic neighbors on the dry eastern slope of Sierra Madre Oriental and outlying limestone ranges in s. Coahuila, n. San Luis Potosi, and adjoining Nuevo Leon. Both are shrubby, strongly calciphile, and adapted to extremes of drought, and have been collected in flower in fall and spring. The banner in both opens white, fading purplish, the inner petals rose or violet-purple from the first. The relatively tall D. saffordii forms twiggy shrubs up 5-15 dm tall, with livid branchlets and glabrous, drought- deciduous leaves. The diminutive shrubs of D. eriophylla, instantly recognized by the small trefoil leaves, are only 1-3 dm tall and as much across, and the few-flowered spikes are sessile at the tips of the many, intricately branching twigs. In var. eriophylla, which occupies the whole range of the species, the plant is white-tomentulose everywhere except for the glabrous inner faces of the bracts and stipules, and the calyx is pilosulous from the base upward. In var. frankenioides, known only from one station in n. San Luis Potosi, the stems are tomentulose but the leaves and tube of the calyx are glabrous, while the pubescence of the bracts and stipules is reversed, absent externally but silky within. — Habit × 1; the rest × 5. D. saffordii: 1) spring-flowering branch, with heads terminal to axillary branchlets; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) bracts, dorsal view, the outermost at right, the inner at left; 5) flowers; 6) calyx, laid open; 7) banner, ventral view; 8) wing; 9) keel; 10) androecium. D. eriophylla var. eriophylla: 1) branchlet; 2) leaf; 3) bract ventral view; 4) flower; 5) banner, ventral and profile view; 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) androecium. D. eriophylla var. frankenioides: la) branchlet; 2a) stipules, lateral view; 3a) stipules seen from within; 4a) leaves, dorsal and ventral views; 5a) bract, seen from within; 6a) calyx + bract.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea saffordii (Rose) Bullock

    Dalea eriophylla S.Watson

    Dalea eriophylla var. frankenioides Barneby

    Dalea eriophylla S.Watson var. eriophylla

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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