Daleae Imagines page 769 plate LXXXVIII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 769 plate LXXXVIII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE LXXXVIII Dalea pazensis Rusby and D. boliviana Britton grow together on the Bolivian Plateau and while much alike in the persistent bracts and details of the individual flower differ greatly in stature, habit, and foliage. The erect stems of D. pazensis, endemic to this region, become fruticose and up to 6-20 dm tall; the primary cauline leaves have 7-11 pairs of leaflets; and the epistemonous petals are vivid blue. The plant differs from the kindred but Peruvian D. smithii (PL LXXXVII) in its persistent interfloral bracts. The stems of D. boliviana, which extends n. into Ayacucho, Peru and s. to Catamarca, Argentina, are herbaceous above the shortly forked woody caudex, diffuse or prostrate, and less than 5 dm long; the leaflets are 4-8 pairs; and the petals sometimes blue and sometimes amethyst-purple. The leaflets of D. boliviana vary in outline from oblong-obovate to obcordate, the latter type prevailing from s. Bolivia s.-ward. — Habit × 1; the rest × 5. D. pazensis: 1) top of flowering stem; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) flower + bract; 5) calyx, laid open; 6) keel; 7) androecium. D. boliviana: 1) top of flowering stem; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets, of broader and narrower types; 4) flower + bract; 5) do., epistemonous petals removed to show androecium with 5 large, 5 small anthers; 6) bract, dorsal view; 7) banner, ventral view; 8) keel.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea pazensis Rusby

    Dalea boliviana Britton

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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