Daleae Imagines page 753 plate LXXX
Daleae Imagines page 753 plate LXXX
R. C. Barneby
The New York Botanical Garden Press
PLATE LXXX Dalea ayavacensis Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth, the rarer of the two Andean daleas with aristiform, plumose calyx-teeth, occurs within the range of the related D. coerulea, but only between s. Ecuador and centr. Peru; the two rows of confluent glands in each panel of the calyx-tube form the most easily observed differential character, often accompanied by long-tailed bracts. The var. ayavacensis is known presently from the Pacific slope in extreme n. Peru and adjoining Ecuador, and disjunctly on the headwaters of Rio Apurimac in Cuzco and Apurimac. It has long-tailed bracts pubescent dorsally and relatively large flowers, the keel-baldes ±4.5-6 mm long; the leaves are pilosulous but at least when adult green. The var. killippii (Macbride) Barneby is similar in most respects, but has densely silky foliage and small, pale blue flowers, the keel-blades ± 3.5 mm long; it is known only from s. Ecuador. The little known var. viridescens Barneby, known only from the type-locality in Cajamarca, n. Peru, resembles var. ayavacensis in its green foliage and var. killippii in its small, pale flower, but differs from both in the dorsally glabrous, short-tailed bracts and short calyx-teeth to match. — Inflorescence and detached leaves × 1; the rest × 5. var. ayavacensis: 1) small segment of inflorescence; 2) stipules; 3) flower (from Loxa, Ecuador); 4) calyx + bract (from Cuzco, Peru); 5) banner ( ventral view); 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) androecium. var. killippii: 9) cauline leaf; 10) flower + bract; 11) keel; 12) androecium. var. viridescens: 13) androecium; 14) flower + bract.
Dalea ayavacensis Kunth var. ayavacensis
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