Daleae Imagines page 735 plate LXXI

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 735 plate LXXI

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE LXXI Dalea crassifolia Hemsley and D. abietifolia (Rose ex Rydberg) Bullock, weakly suffrutescent daleas of w.-centr. Mexico notable for many pairs of leaflets. The tall D. crassifolia, with adult stems up to a meter long, has glabrous stems and foliage, boatshaped leaflets of fleshy texture, and pale lilac or whitish flowers opening in late fall and winter. Its home is in the oak-belt on the Pacific slope in Sinaloa, adjoining Durango, and w. Jalisco. The stems of D. abietifolia, like the leaves gray-tomentulose throughout, are seldom half as tall and the crowded leaflets are rolled up into the form of cylindric gutters narrowly open on the upper side; the epistemonous petals are rose-purple. Another highly localized species, D. abietifolia is known from scattered stations in the oak-pine belt in centr. Michoacan and Jalisco, sometimes associated with white chalky soils derived from volcanic ash and flowering in the early months of the dry season. — Habit × 1; leaf-rachis of D. abietifolia (fig. 3) × 10; the rest × 5. D. crassifolia: 1) branch of panicle + primary cauline leaf from mid-stem; 2) pair of leaflets; 3, 3a) bracts, from middle of spike, dorsal and ventral views; 4) flower; 5) calyx, laid open; 6) banner, ventral and profile views; 7) wing; 8) keel; 9) androecium. D. abietifolia: 1) branch of panicle + central part of main stem; 2) stipules; 3) part of leaf-rachis; 4) leaflets; 5) interfloral bract, ventral and dorsal views; 6) flower; 7) calyx, laid open; 8) banner, ventral and profile views; 9) wing; 10) keel; 11) androecium.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea crassifolia Hemsl.

    Dalea abietifolia (Rose ex Rydb.) Bullock

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