Daleae Imagines page 715 plate LXI
Daleae Imagines page 715 plate LXI
R. C. Barneby
The New York Botanical Garden Press
PLATE LXI Dalea pinnata (J. F. Gmelin) Barneby, tall glabrous herbs widespread in dry sandy habitats over the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plains of s.-e. United States, with densely but finely leafy, virgate stems branching distally into a corymbose panicle of heads, the small white pentandrous flowers opening in fall and winter. The species is uniquely modified to resemble some eupatorioid Compositae, the spike condensed into a short cone cupped within an involucre composed of enlarged castaneous leaf-bases and bracts of similar texture, while the setiform calyx-teeth function as a pappus, carrying aloft the pod and its single seed in the shape of a little feathered shuttle-cock. Three geographic varieties of D. pinnata are: a northeasterly var. pinnata, extending from centr. peninsular Florida to South Carolina, with pinnate primary leaves, subfiliform leaflets, and small acutish petals; var. trifoliata (Chapman) Barneby, of interior lowland Georgia w. on the Gulf Plain to Mississippi, like var. pinnata except for all leaves trifoliolate and slightly larger petals; and var. adenopoda (Rydberg) Barneby, of centr. and s. peninsular Florida, differing in its broader leaflets, thicker heads, wider and more obtuse petals, and grossly glandular upper stem. — Branchlets and detached cauline leaves × 1; the rest × 5. var. pinnata: 1) a division of the panicle and a primary cauline leaf from mid-stem; 2) leaflets; 3) involucral bracts, a and b outermost, obviously modified leaf-bases, c the first rank subtending a flower and transitional to d, e, and f, the true interfloral bracts, all dorsal view; 4) flower; 5) banner and epistemonous petal; 6) fruiting calyx; 7) pod. var. trifoliata: 8) part of mid-stem, showing primary and fascicled leaves; 9) flower at anthesis; 10) petals. var. adenopoda: 11) a division of the panicle; 12) primary leaf from mid-stem; 13) leaflets; 14) petals; 15) androecium; 16) fruiting calyx.
Dalea pinnata (Walter ex J.F.Gmel.) Barneby
Dalea pinnata var. trifoliata (Chapm.) Barneby
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