Daleae Imagines page 697 plate LII
Daleae Imagines page 697 plate LII
R. C. Barneby
The New York Botanical Garden Press
PLATE LII Dalea ornata (Douglas) Eaton & Wright and D. flavescens (Watson) Welsh, prairie- clovers of arid lowlands in intermountain w. United States, with broad leaflets of thick texture and permanently dense spikes carried in early summer well above the foliage on naked peduncles. The purple- or pink-flowered D. ornata is the most northerly dalea w. of the Rocky Mountains, extending from the Columbia Basin in e. Washington to the Snake River plains in s. Idaho and s. through transmontane Oregon into n.-w. Nevada, the only species of the genus in this range. Its foliage is always glabrous and pallidly glaucescent, and the orifice of the nearly always softly long-villous, sub- membranous calyx-tube is almost symmetrical. The white-flowered D. flavescens, endemic to the sandstone canyon country of the Colorado Plateau in s.-e. Utah and n. Arizona, varies in vesture, the stems and foliage most commonly pilose but hardly canescent yet sometimes fully glabrous; the interfloral bracts, the calyces (and consequently the diameter of the spike whether short or longer) and the androecia are uncommonly variable in length but the relatively firm calyx-tube is always deeply recessed behind the banner, resembling that of the vicariant but purple-flowered D. searlsiae (Pl. LIII).— Spikes and parts of stems × 1; the rest × 5. D. ornata: 1) spike and segment of mid-stem; 2) stipules; 3) flower + bract; 4) bract, ventral and dorsal views; 5) petals, from different plants, the banner in ventral view; 6) calyx, laid open; 7) pod. D. flavescens: 1) narrow spike + its small flower; 2) broader short spikes; 3) long thick spike + 3a) its flower + 3b) its bract (these from paratypus of D. epica Welsh); 4) segment of mid-stem (glabrous form); 5) calyx of average size, laid open; 6) banner, ventral view; 7) pod; 8) flower of minor variant (Holmgren & Goddard 9990) with glabrescent, longtoothed, glandular calyx.
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