Daleae Imagines page 689 plate XLVIII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 689 plate XLVIII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XLVIII Dalea leporina (Ait.) Bullock, the most widely dispersed of all daleas, and the more local D. exserta (Rydb.) Gentry are coarse, leafy annual herbs, usually of weedy habit, reaching a stature of 5-15 dm and then paniculately branching from near the base or distally, but often depauperate, when simple and monocephalous. The plants of both species are glabrous to the inflorescence, with rich green foliage and leaflets at least ten pairs in the larger cauline leaves. The small fugitive flowers are most often blue, but in D. leporina, especially northward, may be white or whitish. Common characters of note are the dorsally recessed calyx-tube, a banner longer than the detached wings and keel, and the prominently exserted androecium. The small-flowered D. leporina, with calyx pilose externally from the base upward and an androecium ±5-7 mm long, is the commonest of Mexican daleas, widespread in all the arid temperate and subtropical regions of the country and extending abundantly southward through the highlands of central America; northward it becomes less frequent and toward its northern limit on the United States prairies rare and scattered, but reaches outposts in Illinois, Minnesota, and North Dakota. In reappears, probably as an adventive but now fully naturalized, on the Andean plateau in Bolivia and southern Peru. The larger- flowered and much less common M. exserta, with calyx-tube glabrous externally and an androecium ±8-11 mm long, is found in scattered stations, mostly in subtropical scrub at lower elevations than D. leporina, through s. Mexico, from Colima to Veracruz, s.-e. interruptedly to Costa Rica, and reappears sporadically in n. Sierra Madre Occidental in Sonora, Chihuahua, and extreme s. Arizona. — Habit × 1; the rest × 5. D. exserta: 1) branch of panicle; 2) stipules; 3) leaf-rachis + pedicels; 4) lower bract, dorsal view; 5) flower + inner bract; 6) fruiting calyx; 7) banner, ventral view; 8) wing; 9) keel-petal; 10) androecium; 11) pod. D. leporina: 1) branch of panicle; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) lower bract, profile view; 5) flower at anthesis; the keel-petals shed, + inner bract, ventral view; 6) calyx, laid open; 7) banners, ventral view; 8) wings; 9) a single keel, the parts not united; 10) androecium; 11) fruiting calyx; 12) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea leporina (Aiton) Hemsl.

    Dalea exserta (Rydb.) Gentry

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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