Daleae Imagines page 669 plate XXXVIII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 669 plate XXXVIII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XXXVIII Dalea pringlei Gray (see continuation, Plate XXXIX), a polymorphic species of the w. slope and piedmont of Sierra Madre Occidental, ranging from n. Sinaloa through Sonora into the watershed of the Gila River in s.-e. Arizona. The three varieties differ in stature, number and shape of leaflets, and length of calyx-teeth, but all are glabrous up to the softly plumose spikes, have strongly angled, green or pruinose- glaucescent stems, and (except in some populations of var. multijuga) vivid magenta- purple inner petals. The var. pringlei, common in Arizona and extending into extreme n. Sonora, flowers principally in spring. The stems seldom surpass 6 dm in height, the obtuse leaflets are relatively few, the bracts are mostly pubescent from base to tip, and the calyx-teeth are longer than the tube. The more southern, entirely Mexican var. multijuga Barneby and var. oxyphyllidia Barneby are both taller, virgate plants reaching 1-2.5 m at maturity, and flower during late fall and winter; they are alike, further, in having acute leaflets and bracts mostly glabrate toward the tip. The relatively common var. multijuga is distinguished by its very numerous leaflets, long, relatively loose spikes, and long-toothed calyx; var. oxyphyllidia, very local in the valley of Rio Mayo, s. Sonora, where its range overlaps that of var. multijuga, by its few leaflets, compact spike, and short-toothed calyx. — Habit and cauline leaves × 1; bracts, flowers, androecia, and pod in this plate × 10; leaflets and all enlargements of var. oxyphyllidia (Plate XXXIX) × 5. var. pringlei: 1) flowering branchlet; 2) cauline leaf; 3) part of leaf-rachis + leaflets; 4) lowermost bract, dorsal view; 4a) upper bract, dorsal view; 5) flower; 6) banner, ventral view; 7) wing; 8) keel-petal. var. multijuga: 1) flowering branchlet; 2) stipules; 3) cauline leaf; 4) leaflet, dorsal view; 5) bract, dorsal view; 6) bract + calyx, laid open; 7) banner, ventral view; 8) flower, calyx + anthers removed; 9) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea pringlei A.Gray

    Dalea pringlei var. oxyphyllidia Barneby

    Dalea pringlei A.Gray var. pringlei

    Dalea pringlei var. multijuga Barneby

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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