Daleae Imagines page 667 plate XXXVII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 667 plate XXXVII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XXXVII Dalea revoluta Wats, and D. grayi (Vail) L. O. Wms. are herbs of western Mexico northward from Jalisco, just reaching southwestern United States. Both are glabrous below the spikes of small fugitive, vexillate flowers; the sharply ribbed stems may be erect or trailing, monocephalous or branched distally, and the petals, except for the rubescent banner, are all white. The range of D. revoluta, which has about 3-9 pairs of (despite the epithet) involute, not revolute leaflets and a glandless calyx, runs along the Pacific slope of Sierra Madre Occidental, mostly in the foothills below 1300 m, from southern Sonora south into Jalisco, where it follows the Rio Santiago inland to Guadalajara and the Bolanos valley. The closely related D. grayi, with many leaflets and small glands in the intervals of the calyx-tube, is found only in the northern Sierra Madre, mostly on the plateau slope, from northern Durango into southeastern Arizona and adjoining New Mexico. Both species flower in summer, fall, and winter, depending on the elevation and the season. Inflorescences × 1; the rest, unless otherwise noted, × 10. D. revoluta: 1) upper part of stem; 2) main cauline leaf × 2; 3) part of leaf-rachis; 4) leaflet, ventral view; 5) bracts; 6) flower at late anthesis; 7) banner; 8) wing; 9) one keel-petal; 10) pod. D. grayi: 1) upper part of stem; 2) stipules; 3) main cauline leaf × 1; 4) leaflet, dorsal view; 5, 5a) bracts, lower and upper, dorsal view; 6) flower at late anthesis; 7) banner; 8) wing; 9) one keel-petal; 10) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea revoluta S.Watson

    Dalea grayi (Vail) L.O.Williams

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