Daleae Imagines page 658 plate XXXIII

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 658 plate XXXIII

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XXXIII Dalea mollissima (Rydberg) Munz and D. mollis Bentham, loosely tufted or procumbent annual herbs widely dispersed over the floor and low foothills of the Sonoran Desert, flowering in late winter and spring. Both have pallid-glaucescent but more or less pilose foliage and ovoid racemes of early nodding, silvery-pilose calyces which almost or quite enclose the whitish or dull crimson petals. Collectively the species differ from closely allied D. neo-mexicana in their annual taproots and readily disjointing keel-petals. The relatively northern D. mollissima, common over the Colorado Desert in California, extends weakly into n. Baja California, the Gila Desert in Arizona, and through s.-e. Mohave Desert into the s. angle of Nevada. It has relatively long calyx-teeth, broad interfloral bracts, and leaflets undulate around the margin. The calyx-teeth of D. mollis being shorter relative to the slightly exserted keel form narrower spikes, the flowers are separated in bud by narrower bracts, and the margins of the leaflets are plane. The main range of D. mollis lies around the Gulf of California from the latitude of La Paz in Baja California and that of Guaymas in Sonora northward, but it reaches the Pacific Coast on Islas Magdalena and Cedros and extends well into that of D. mollissima, as far north as Salton Depression and the s. edge of Mohave Desert in California and the Colorado valley in s.-w. Arizona. — Habit × 1; the rest × 5. D. mollissima: 1) top of flowering stem; 2) leaflets; 3) interfloral bract, dorsal and ventral views; 4) flower + pedicels; 5) calyx, laid open; 6) banner, ventral and profile views; 7) wing; 8) keel; 9) androecium; 10) pod. D. mollis: 1) top of flowering stem; la) depauperate plant; 2) stipules; 3) leaflets; 4) interfloral bracts, ventral view; 5) flowers; 6) banners, small and large; 7) wings, do. 8) keels, do. 9) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Dalea mollissima (Rydb.) Munz

    Dalea mollis Benth.

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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