Daleae Imagines page 635 plate XXI

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 635 plate XXI

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XXI Marina crenulata (H. & A.) Barneby and M. sarodes Barneby are much alike in the form of the flower and pod. Both are entirely glabrous, with green leaflets paler beneath and (except for the small white or partly white banner) petals of vivid rose- or magenta-purple; but they differ greatly in duration, habit, and stature. The tall and relatively common M. crenulata has one or several erect, wandlike, lignescent stems mostly 1-2 meters tall. In late fall it bears a few flowers in loose spikes terminal to the main axis or to branches of a sparsely furnished terminal panicle, and subsequently many short, few-flowered, sometimes subumbellate spikes produced during the dry winter months on leafy spurs arising from the axils of drought-deciduous cauline leaves. The species ranges along the foothills of the Pacific slope in Mexico, in grassland, thorn-forest, and thin oak woodland, from southern Sonora and adjacent Chihuahua to western Jalisco, inland along the lower Santiago River nearly to Guadalajara, and southeastward into western Oaxaca, where represented by var. stipulacea (fig. 10b). The rare M. sarodes, known as yet only from the type-locality in Nayarit (near Compostela), is a tall slender annual of the oak-belt, with airily branching panicle of spikes, the leaves suddenly reduced in the inflorescence. Branchlets × 1; leaflets × 3; the rest × 5. M. crenulata: 1) an early raceme, terminal to main stem, in flower in October; 2) part of a wand-stem, in flower in February after the cauline leaves have dropped; 3) leaflets; 4) flower; 5) banner, ventral and profile views; 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) androecium; 9) pod; 10a) stipules of var. crenulata; 10b) stipules of var. stipulacea. M. sarodes: 1) branch of panicle; 2) leaflets; 3) flower; 4) banner, lateral and ventral views; 5) wing; 6) keel; 7) androecium.

  • Taxonomy

    Marina crenulata (Hook. & Arn.) Barneby

    Marina sarodes Barneby

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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