Daleae Imagines page 621 plate XIV

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 621 plate XIV

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE XIV Marina calycosa (Gray) Barneby and M. orcuttii (Watson) Barneby are slender, loosely tufted or diffuse perennial herbs with gray-strigulose, glandless or nearly glandless foliage and racemes of nodding particolored flowers, the banner margined and the wings and keel striped or spotted along their inner edge with dull bluish purple, otherwise whitish or faintly lavender-tinged. The large-flowered M. calycosa has a shortly subterranean root-crown, a feature unique in the genus. It is found on dry rocky hills along the east edge and lower crests of Sierra Madre Occidental from central Chihuahua north into the hill-country drained by the Gila river in s.-w. New Mexico, s.-e. Arizona, and adjoining Sonora, where it flowers primarily in spring, but sometimes again following summer rains. The closely related M. orcuttii has a superficial root- crown and smaller flowers, but is otherwise similar. It is a rare plant of arid grassland near the summit of isolated desert mountain ranges near the west edge of the Sonoran Desert in Baja California. The plate shows only var. orcuttii, endemic to Sierra Juarez just s. of the California boundary; the taller var. campanea, with more numerous (mostly 8-12 pairs) leaflets in the larger leaves, is found further south, near the waist of the peninsula. — Habit × 1; pod of M. calycosa × 10; the rest × 5. M. calycosa: 1) flowering stem; 2) stipules; 3) leaflet; 4) bract, lateral view; 5) flower; 6) part of calyx, from within; 7) banner, ventral and profile views; 8) wing; 9) keel; 10) androecium; 11) pod. M. orcuttii var. orcuttii: 1) flowering stem; 2) leaflets; 3) flower + bract; 4) part of calyx, from within; 5) banner, ventral view; 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) androecium; 9) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Marina calycosa (A.Gray) Barneby

    Marina orcuttii (S.Watson) Barneby

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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