Daleae Imagines page 604 plate VI

  • Title

    Daleae Imagines page 604 plate VI

  • Creator(s)

    R. C. Barneby

  • Publisher

    The New York Botanical Garden Press

  • Description

    PLATE VI Psorothamnus emoryi (Gray) Rydb. var. emoryi and Ps. polydenius (Torr.) Rydb. var. polydenius, softly woody desert shrubs with gray or white-woolly foliage and small, pink-purple flowers with dorsally pubescent keel. The stems and few leaflets of Ps. emoryi are tomentulose with antrorsely spreading hairs and its range, including that of var. arenarius (Brandg.) Bameby (Plate V), extends over the Sonoran Desert, from Coachella Valley in s.-e. California s. into Baja California. Its near relationship is with the junceous Ps. scoparius (Plate V). The stem-pubescence of Ps. polydenius is directed downward, the hairs interspersed with very numerous small red blister-glands, and the range including that of its var. jonesii (Plate VII) covers the colder and higher deserts of Nevada and Utah, extending west locally to the south Mohave Desert in California. The relatively widespread var. polydenius extends w. from extreme s.-w. Utah and n. into the Lahontan Basin in Nevada; its calyx varies from villous all over to glabrous except for hairy teeth. The poorly differentiated var. jonesii, differing in its caudately elongate bracts and calyx-teeth and less congested flowers and leaflets, is known only from the banks of Green River in e.-centr. Utah. — Flowering branchlets × 1; the rest × 5. Ps. emoryi var. emoryi: 1) branchlet; 2) primary cauline leaf, with 3 pairs of small lateral leaflets; 3) leaflets of broad type; 4) flower and calyx, showing some of the known variation in size; 5) bract; 6) calyx, laid open, to show the small orange-red glands on the yellow tube; 7) banner, profile and ventral views; 8) wing; 9) keel; 10) androecium, laid open; 11) pod. Ps. polydenius var. polydenius: 1) branchlet; 2) leaflets; 3) pedicel and deciduous bract; 4) flowers, showing variation in size and pubescence of calyx (left, so-called var. subnuda); 5) banner, ventral view; 6) wing; 7) keel, attached to hypanthium rim; 8) androecium; 9) pod.

  • Taxonomy

    Psorothamnus emoryi (A.Gray) Rydb. var. emoryi

    Psorothamnus polydenius (Torr. ex S.Watson) Rydb. var. polydenius

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    Copyright The New York Botanical Garden Press

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