Daleae Imagines page 603 plate V
Daleae Imagines page 603 plate V
R. C. Barneby
The New York Botanical Garden Press
PLATE V Psorothamnus emoryi var. arenarius (Brandg.) Barneby and Ps. scoparius (Gray) Rydb., softly shrubby plants of dunes and sandy or gravelly desert hills, the former endemic to central and southern Baja California, the latter to the Chihuahuan Desert, with extension northward up Rio Grande into north-central New Mexico and west across the Divide into northeastern Arizona. The var. arenarius, which may flower precociously as a diffuse herb, becomes a low bushy plant wider than tall; it is usually gray- tomentulose throughout but the stems are rarely green and hairless. The entire plant is charged with fragile orange glands that yield when bruised a turpentine-scented oil; the little-exserted petals are tipped with violet and thinly villosulous externally. Note the pleomorphic foliage, the pinnate lower leaves passing upward along the stems into a simple, subsessile blade. Compare also with var. emoryi (PI. VI). The adult plant of Ps. scoparius forms a round-topped bush of innumerable, pliant, broomlike stems, gray-silky with retrorse hairs and gland-speckled like those of Ps. emoryi, but with less fragile glands. Here all leaves are unifoliolate, or a few trifoliolate, but none are pinnate; of whatever type they fall off early, seldom persisting until the seeds are ripe. The petals of Ps. scoparius are vivid blue, sometimes blue-purple, exceptionally white. Flowering branchlets and detached leaf of var. arenarius × 1; the rest × 5. Ps. emoryi var. arenarius: 1) flowering branchlet; 2) pieces of upper stems, of the tomentulose and glabrous variants; 3) stem-leaf of glabrous variant; 4) flower + calyx; 5) banner (ventral view); 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) androecium. Ps. scoparius: 1) flowering branchlet; 2) piece of stem; 3) flower + bract; 4) calyx, opened to show androecium; 5) banner (ventral view); 6) wing; 7) keel; 8) pod; 9) seed.
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