Miconia stenobotrys: Botanical line drawing.
Miconia stenobotrys: Botanical line drawing.
E. Karpook
Miconia stenobotrys: Botanical line drawing from Judd, W. S. (2007). Figure 35. CAPTION: A. Flowering branch. B. Leaf, abaxial surface. C. Leaf, abaxial surface. D. Leaf margin. E. Flower. F. Petal, adaxial view. G. Two fruits. H. Portion of stem, showing U-shaped flanges. I. Portion of stem, lacking flanges. J. Stem in cross section. K. Long-stalked, gland-headed hairs on stem. (Based on: A, B, D-F, I, J, Judd 2955; C, G, K, Judd 6629; H, Judd 6698). Revision of Miconia sect. Chaenopleura (Melastomataceae) in the Greater Antilles. Syst. Bot. Monogr. 81: 107.
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