Manihot longepetiolata Pohl
Rogers, David J. & Appan, S. G. 1973. Manibot, Manihotoides (Euphorbiaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 13: 1-272. 1 chart. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
TYPE. Pohl 822: Brasil, Goias; ad serra de Cristaes (syntypes, F, G, W).
Manihot longipetiolata Pohl, Jatropha longepetiolata (Pohl) Steud.
Description - Short subshrubs, ca 20.0 cm tall; internodes short, usually ca 2.0 cm long. Young stems glabrous, glaucous; mature stems glabrous. Leaves borne more or less as a rosette; stipules persistent, setaceous, ca 1.0 cm long, less than 0.1 cm wide, glabrous, margins entire, rarely serrate; petioles ca 12.0 cm long, terete, glabrous, glaucous, petiole attachment to lamina basal, nonpeltate; lamina membranaceous to slightly coriaceous, adaxial surface dark green, abaxial surface pruinose, abaxial surface wax pattern smooth; venation camptodromous, veins glabrous; lamina palmately 3 lobed, midribs of lobes straight; median lobes oblong, ca 4.0 cm long, ca 2.0 cm wide, apex acute, base of lobes narrowly constricted, less than 0.2 cm wide, width between base of sinus and petiole-lamina junction less than 0.2 cm, lamina at sinus overlapping; lowest lobes slightly smaller than median lobes. Inflorescence usually dioecious, occasionally monoecious, ca 10.0 cm long; all parts glabrous, most of the parts with a bluish white bloom; bracteoles setaceous, ca 0.8 cm long, margins usually entire; bractlets setaceous, Pistillate tepal 1.1 cm long, cleft to base into 5 lobes; ovary subglobose. Staminate buds ovoid-ellipsoid, flowers medium sized, tepal 1.1 cm long, cleft 1/3 way down into 5 lobes; stamens 10, in 2 whorls of 5 each. Capsules and seeds non vidi.
Brasil, states Goias and Minas Gerais.
Brazil South America| Goiás Brazil South America| Minas Gerais Brazil South America|