
  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name


  • Description

    Family Description - Fls perfect, hypogynous, sympetalous, essentially regular except sometimes the cal, 4–5(–12)- merous; cal lobed or ± deeply cleft, or seldom the proper lobes much reduced or suppressed and the tube then sometimes 2-cleft; cor often with scales or nectary-pits within the tube or near the base of the lobes; cor-tube sometimes plicate above, the plaits even appearing as additional lobes alternate with the proper lobes; cor-lobes in most genera convolute; stamens on the cor-tube, alternate with the lobes; ovary superior, unilocular, with 2 parietal, sometimes ± deeply intruded placentas; style terminal, with entire or 2-lobed stigma, seldom more deeply cleft or wanting; ovules ± numerous; fr usually a septicidal (seldom irregularly dehiscent) capsule; seeds with a small, dicotyledonous embryo embedded in the oily endosperm; mostly (incl. all our spp.) herbs, usually glabrous or nearly so, with opposite or whorled, simple, entire, exstipulate lvs (in Bartonia the lvs reduced to opposite or alternate scales). 75/1000, cosmop., espec. temp. and subtrop.

  • Common Names

    The gentian family