Hechtia glabra Brandegee

  • Authority

    Smith, Lyman B. & Downs, Robert J. 1974. Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 14 (1): 1-658. (Published by NYBG Press)

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Hechtia glabra Brandegee

  • Type

    TYPE. Purpus 8506 (holotype, UC; isotypes, DS, US), Barranca de Panoaya, Vera Cruz, Mexico, Nov 1919.

  • Description

    Description - Plant large, probably 2 m or more high. Leaves 5-7 dm long; blades linear-triangular, pungent, 3 cm wide, laxly spinose-serrate, repand, glabrous and shiny above, densely pale-appressed-lepidote below when young. Inflorescence laxly bipinnate, subpyramidal, at least 7 dm long and 2-3 dm in diameter, glabrous; primary bracts narrowly ovate, acuminate, many times shorter than the axillary branches, chartaceous, soon deciduous; racemes ascending or spreading, short-stipitate, cylindric, densely many-flowered; rhachis strongly flattened throughout. Floral bracts lance-oblong, acute, equaling or shorter than the pedicels, brown, membranaceous; flowers spreading; staminate pedicels obconic, 2 mm long; pistillate pedicels 2 mm long, 1.5 mm in diameter, articulate at base, sharply triquetrous, often with intermediate ridges as well. Staminate sepals broadly elliptic, obtuse, 1.5 mm long, convex, ecarinate, cucullate; pistillate sepals broadly triangular, acute, 2.5 mm long, carinate; staminate petals broadly elliptic, obtuse or emarginate, 3 mm long, cucullate, pale-yellow; pistillate petals triangular, acuminate, 3 mm long; stamens included; ovary very slightly inferior, more so in the remnant in the staminate flower; stigmas subsessile. Capsule oblong-ellipsoid, triquetrous, 7 mm long; carpels even except for a median ridge; seeds slenderly ellipsoid with a single large triangular wing at the apex.

  • Distribution

    Vera Cruz, Mexico.

    Mexico North America| Veracruz Mexico North America|