Manihot inflata Müll.Arg.
Rogers, David J. & Appan, S. G. 1973. Manibot, Manihotoides (Euphorbiaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 13: 1-272. 1 chart. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
TYPE. Riedel 190: Brasil, Rio de Janeiro: Near Rio de Janeiro (syntypes F-2, G-5, K, NY-2, P).
Manihot brasiliensis Klotzsch ex Pax
Description - Shrubs, ca 2.0 m tall. All parts glabrous. Young stems obtuse-angled in cross section. Leaves alternate; stipules caducous, ca 2.0 cm long, filiform; petioles ca 12.0 cm long, terete, petiole attachment to lamina basal, nonpeltate; abaxial lamina surface wax pattern smooth, venation camptodromous, palmately 3-5 lobed, rarely 7; median lobes oblong-elliptic, ca 10.0 cm long, ca 2.5 cm wide, margin undulate, apex acuminate, base angustate, base of lobes extremely constricted, leaf appears compound; lowest lobes more or less similar to median lobes in outline but smaller. Inflorescence a monoecious moderately branched panicle, ca 12.0 cm long; bracts and bracteoles setaceous. Pistillate flowers restricted to the base of the upper 2/3 of the inflorescence, pedicels ca 1.25 cm long, tepal 1.0 cm long, ovary subglobose. Staminate buds ovoid-ellipsoid, flowers medium sized, tepal 1.0 cm long, yellowish green externally, purplish internally, cleft 1/3 way down into 5 lobes; stamens 10, in 2 whorls of 5 each. Fruits and seeds non vidi.
The closest affinity of Manihot inflata is Manihot grahami from which it differs by the deeper sinuses between the leaf lobes (constricted lobe bases). It also exhibits fewer to no pandurate lobes.
Common Names
Mandioca braba, mandioca da Serra
(Fig 35-A). Brasil, states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Parana.
Brazil South America| São Paulo Brazil South America| Rio de Janeiro Brazil South America|