Manihot crassisepala Pax & K.Hoffm.
Rogers, David J. & Appan, S. G. 1973. Manibot, Manihotoides (Euphorbiaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 13: 1-272. 1 chart. (Published by NYBG Press)
Scientific Name
TYPE. Kerber 185: Mexico: 1880 (photos of syntype, F, GH, NY).
Description - Trees. Young stems pubescent, grayish brown with reddish tinge; mature stems reddish brown, glaucous. Leaves alternate, stipules deciduous, pubescent; petioles ca 10.0 cm long, terete, glabrous, in some, pubescent, petiole attachment to lamina basal; lamina green or pale green, glabrous, abaxial surface wax pattern smooth; venation camptodromous, 3 lobed; median lobes obovate, margin entire, ca 10.0 cm long, ca 5.0 cm wide, base of lobes more than 2.5 cm across, apex abruptly tapering to an acute point, sinuses on either side of the median lobes narrowly cuneate; lowest lobes slightly smaller than median lobes, nonsymmetric, gently curved up, a major vein (in addition to the midrib) present along the base of the lowest lobe. Inflorescence a monoecious, few flowered, axillary raceme, 4.0-8.0 cm long, peduncles and pedicels pubescent; bracteoles setaceous, pubescent, margin smooth; bractlets setaceous, pubescent. Pistillate flowers restricted to the base of the inflorescence, borne on short pedicels, less than 1.5 cm long; tepals yellowish green, very sparsely pubescent, ca 1.0 cm long, cleft to base into 5 oblong tapering lobes; disc fleshy, entire; pistil ca 0.6 cm long, ovary glabrous, the trifid stigma short, moderately lobed and lobulate. Staminate flowers campanulate; tepals about 1.1 cm long, yellowish green, very sparsely pubescent, cleft 1/3 into 5 oblong-obtuse lobes; disc fleshy, 10 lobes, stamens 10, in 2 whorls of 5 each, superior whorl ca 0.7 cm long, inferior whorl ca 0.6 cm long, filaments and anthers cream colored. Fruit pedicels ca 1.5 cm long; capsules ca 2.25 cm long from base to apex, distinctly conical, narrowly tapering towards the apex, surface finely rugose, apex pointed; fruit dehiscence loculicidal, the 3 commissural sutures not disjoining. Seeds non vidi.
Manihot crassisepala is very similar to M. foetida. The insufficient representation of M. crassisepala and M. foetida in this study precludes confident delimitation of these two. It may be necessary to re-examine the taxonomic status of M. crassisepala, especially its relationship with M. foetida, when sufficient material and field data become available.
In the original description of this species, the type local is reported as Colima. Photographs of the type are available, but it has not been possible to verify the label data with respect to the locality of collection. It seems highly unlikely that the range of this species extends to Colima, however further field studies would be necessary to delineate its complete range.The note in the original description of this species indicates that the mature seeds are edible. -
(Fig 26D). Mexico, in Mexico and Morelos, alt ca 900-1300m.
Mexico North America| México Mexico North America| Morelos Mexico North America|